I have never been this angry before. Is that a good enough answer?
So, you didn't get this angry earlier in the season? You never got this angry during any, game when Mahoney and Roberts (or, even Jarvis) were coaching?
I'm not being condescending. I'm actually asking an honest question.
Seriously, didn't we all have a first post? What difference does it make why he started tonight?
Yes, we all had a first post. I asked him that question because I can and wanted to ask him (whether, he answers or not). Mind your business.
I'll post whenever I want and certainly will take no kind of direction from you; I am breaking no rules. how about you take your own advice??
You're the one who poked your nose where it wasn't warranted. By asking me that particular question was basically giving directions, indirectly. So, look in the mirror, potna!
Who said you were breaking any rules? I never said you were. You practically tried to tell me what to do. So, I told you to mind your business. I meant it. Mind your freakin' business!