It is a slippery slope when we begin to question the apparently good and charitable things people do, especially those things that get recognition. AA members live by certain life principles, one of which is "Don' t take somebody ekse's inventory". Certainly that principle is much easier said than done,especially when we factor in such biased notion as like and dislike.
Beast you and I have both been around the block and back. Over the course of our lifetime we've both encountered people who's every move is calculated. These people are often times charming, funny, generous, etc, but also calculating. I honestly have no idea what Lavin's motivation was for taking Felix and CJ out to diner. Maybe it was altruistic, maybe it was guilt, maybe it was yet another photo-op(posting pix on Instagram would lend credence to that notion), maybe it was a combination of things. I don't have a clue.......and neither do the posters on here who tout the move as "purely from the goodness of his heart", and call out the validity-and in some cases, the sanity-of those that disagree with that premise. At the very least, Lavin mishandled both kids at periods during their time here. Certainly it's fair to question his motivation for taking the 2 of them out to diner, and at a high profile restaurant no less and then posting pix on social media. And with all due respect to the OP, who I like and respect, you cannot post something like this and not expect to elicit conflicting viewpoints and some venomous comments. Lavin is still far to much of a polarizing figure around here, and will probably continue to be one for a while.
Your opinion is these kids were mishandled - in my opinion, neither were Big East caliber players. That opinion doesn't really matter, but if either felt as strongly as some do on here that Lavin mistreated them, why did they show up to dinner?
At face value, taking former players out to dinner and enjoying an evening with them is a nice gesture, and maybe much more than that simply is an indication that he has strong relationships with his guys that will endure for a long time. Bobby Knight used to tell players that in the future they can call him at any hour of the day, any day of the year if they need any help whatsoever, and he will be there for them as a friend. Then he would say, "But we aren't friends now. I'm the coach and you are my player, and you will do as I tell you."
I wouldn't even disagree strongly with the way some people around here feel about Lavin. To a large extent - a very large extent - most college coaches are snake oil salesmen. I wouldn't buy a used car from Pitino, or Calipari, or any number of guys.
All in all, I take it as a nice thing until I learn otherwise. It does make me feel better about human nature, and I always in my relationships think the best about someone until I have a reason to think otherwise. You are probably the same, and I understand your beef with Lavin.