[quote="L J S A" post=409598]I actually think the totality of Willard's recruiting has largely been scattershot and weird, but he makes it work. I take that as good news for us. We currently aren't scattershot, but there's some weirdness in there. So far it's worked for some kids, not so much for our record.
Kids want to see some wins, not teams giving up 90 ppg. Hopefully we sort out the D quick, because after seeing the current product, the 4 stars that many crave here won't be beating down our door.[/quote]
I think the only thing that matters is winning. IF we are scoring in the 90s and winning, our kids would be happy as hell and so would our fans. Short possessions are enabled by race horse basketball, so high scores are inevitable, winning or losing.
Almost totally unrelated but worth repeating. About 15 years ago, Holy Cross was going up against CTK with zero chance of winning. Their coach came up with a plan. He asked the kids, "Would you rather lose 85-50, or 150-100". The kids all answered immediately, "!50-100". or something like that.
HC played a 3 man zone on defense, with 2 HC players never crossing halfcourt to play defense. Defenders rarely came up to play offense. When CTK scored, HC would fire the ball upcourt quickly and scored many easy uncontested baskets. I forget the final score, but it was in some crazy range like that.
After the game HC coaches were laughing that their kids could have played another game immediately, while CTK kids had their tongues hanging out from trying to chase the HC players upcourt. True story.