Penn State Jerry Sandusky Scandal

As the facts stand right now, do I think Joe got a raw deal? Yes. Was it necessary he went? From a PR standpoint yes but from a "morality" standpoint or any other standpoint no. Its pathetic that it went this way but whats even more pathetic is when I watch TV and read stories from national news outlets and they frame it to be all about Paterno or that he abused the children or that he knew. Like, they're sure that he knew. Despite a grand jury testimony that he didn't. Good job ignoring the facts! People need to go after those who actually committed the crimes and not just those who are in the public eye! Rant over.

"...or that he knew." For reals? Have you actually been following this?

Taking out the fact that he's the most powerful man on that campus, here are the basic facts of the case involving Paterno:

Grad assistant sees Sandusky rape a boy.
Grad assistant tells Paterno.
Paterno tells "superiors."
Paterno does nothing more.

Raw deal?
F Joe Pa
As the facts stand right now, do I think Joe got a raw deal? Yes. Was it necessary he went? From a PR standpoint yes but from a "morality" standpoint or any other standpoint no. Its pathetic that it went this way but whats even more pathetic is when I watch TV and read stories from national news outlets and they frame it to be all about Paterno or that he abused the children or that he knew. Like, they're sure that he knew. Despite a grand jury testimony that he didn't. Good job ignoring the facts! People need to go after those who actually committed the crimes and not just those who are in the public eye! Rant over.

"...or that he knew." For reals? Have you actually been following this?

Taking out the fact that he's the most powerful man on that campus, here are the basic facts of the case involving Paterno:

Grad assistant sees Sandusky rape a boy.
Grad assistant tells Paterno.
Paterno tells "superiors."
Paterno does nothing more.

Raw deal?
F Joe Pa

Agree. Anybody who knew about this and didn't pursue it is complicit. The reason Sandusky was allowed to victimize boys over and over again for years was because of the system-wide PSU hierarchical cover-up. Culpability in these crimes is not limited to the perpetrator but also those who knew of the nature of these crimes taking place but looked the other way in the name of football.

Had a murder been witnessed and not the rape of a young boy, I guarantee that there wouldn't be anybody giving free passes to any of these guys. In my personal opinion, raping young boys is not lesser than murder in the nature of the crime. Bottom line is that these guys were aware that this beast was victimizing kids and they made their choice to basically drop the issue. It was an epic failure to act based on other interests. I'm glad they're all gone or going. If I had witnessed something like that, I wouldn't have left the locker room without bringing that boy to police and Sandusky a heap on the shower floor.
If I had witnessed something like that, I wouldn't have left the locker room without bringing that boy to police and Sandusky a heap on the shower floor.

No doubt that there are an enormous amount of people that not only feel the same way but also would have done exactly what you would have but there are even more that would have done exactly what Mcquery did.

I guess I'm one of the few that is giving mcquery the benefit of the doubt, at least for the time being. From everything I've heard/read, its really not hard for me to understand why he reacted the way he did.

He grew up int he Penn State Family with Jo Pa as a diety-like figure in total control of everything. The power structure of his world was Jo Pa #1 and Sandusky #2 from the time he set foot on the campus. Its easy to say i'd kick the crap out of some stranger in some anonymous setting had that happened, but it didnt go down that way.

To try to put myself in his shoes, I tried to imagine what I'd have done if I saw my uncle doing what Sandusky did in my parents home. How would I have handled it?

While my uncle certainly would have deserved a beating, I really don't think many of us would have reacted any differently than Mcquery did if it had happened in our "family". I think the vast majority of us would have gone straight to our fathers for guidance and let the head of the family do what needed to be done when it came to dealing with that evil uncle.

I don't know mcquery. I don't know if he's a good guy, or a bad guy. If he's a coward or not. Although cowards don't tend to break up knife fights in the school cafeteria unarmed.. I don't know if he saw this as his "opportunity" to get a head in life and used it to blackmail his way onto the coaching staff. But I don know that while its very easy to say from a distance that I'd have been Batman and saved the day, the reality is that very very few people would actually have reacted in that manner.

I think Jo Pa had to go. Its his fiefdom. He's the king. The buck stops there. If you look at the timeline it clearly paints a picture of a chain of events where Paterno acted as judge and jury and then swept the whole mess under the rug. He didn't have the right to do that.

It would be one thing if he had fired Sandusky, and dissociated himself from the man completely. But he didn't . He "punished" him by firing him. But then let him on campus, let him use team facilities and even was on the board of his charity which indicates he maintained a friendship/relationship with him. None of that is acceptable behavior from Paterno. That's why he needed to go.

There are rumors out there now that this will get even worse with allegations that Sandusky was "pimping" the kids from his charity out to high level "donors". And who knows how much more sordid it will get as it unfolds. Perhaps it will even be linked to the mysterious disappearance of that DA who chose not to prosecute Sandusky in 1997 when the first mother tried to file charges. But before all is said and done I only really want one thing answered:

After Mcquery went to Paterno and told him what he'd seen, did Paterno decide that the way they would handle it was in house. that Sandusky would retire and Mcquery would get promoted if he played ball.

That's the way it reads to me, and if that is what happened then Paterno and Mcquery should get the cell next to Sandusky's.

What a sad, sad state of affairs.

btw...great seeing you at the Lehigh game Marcus!
it's unconscionable that mcquery left the building without even telling sandusky..."give me the boy or i'll call the cops". not everyone is able to leave someone in a heap on the floor. to walk away while some boy is being anally raped is mind boggling.

paterno fired sandusky...who happened to have been one of the great defensive minds in the 1999 after the 1998 allegations. he said the school is "going in a different direction". paterno knew. to see sandusky bring a string of boys to the campus for eight years after that and do nothing makes him an accessory. 

sandusky didn't murder anyone...but he did murder the spirit of those boys.

enjoy your stay in prison, big guy!
 Hundreds of former Penn State players show support of Paterno in letter

Read more:

Imo they should keep quiet until due process takes its course if that is the case. In addition, there is simpy mountains of evidence including Paterno's own admission that he knew about something and didn't take it far enough. They can support him all they want. Joe had the power to save the lives and well-being of a lot of little boys from a monster and didn't do it to prevent his program from being tarnished. I look at my two sons and cringe thinking about Sandusky and the fact that all these people kept it under wraps. Joe Paterno fumbled on the goal line here.

Just another example of why this school should never ever be allowed to participate in any revenue producing sport.
Let them play club football.

State College, Pennsylvania (CNN) -- The most powerful former leaders at Penn State University have been accused of showing "total and consistent disregard" for child sex abuse victims, while covering up the attacks of a longtime sexual predator, according to an internal review into how the school handled a scandal involving its former assistant football coach.

Investigators conducted more than 400 interviews and found that several officials had "empowered" Jerry Sandusky to continue his abuse, while Joe Paterno, the school's legendary head football coach, could have stopped the attacks had he done more, investigators said Thursday.
Penn State should no longer be allowed to play football they are a disgrace
You cant erase & heal those kids haunted lives  but you can make the school pay by losing its main moneymaker