Reading ESPNgamecast, Dom appears to be having a high foul high missed shot game.
down 7 at half 46 to 39
Right margin; wrong score. LOL
down 7 at half 46 to 39
Right margin; wrong score. LOL
bad reception. 100 watts clear channel
very very quite on the board. Must be at Garden or Black Friday shopping. LOL
very very quite on the board. Must be at Garden or Black Friday shopping. LOL
Obepka the leading scorer tells it all
I stated two days ago this Newbill kid was gonna destroy us, and what do you know. He lighting us up like a Christmas tree with 7-8 shooting not watching the game but can see the horrible defense in my mind!!! This penn state team is not unbeatable not even close we can't get blown out by this guys...