Why are we reaching for foreigners when other programs in our league are able to bring in top level talent from America?
Isn't Lavin's MO supposed to be that he is some sort of wizard recruiter? Why then is he "reaching" for kids who will be question marks?
Why do you care? He's gone after this season no matter what according to you.
Yup, the party's over!
I can't wait for a real coach to come in here who wil bring much needed stability to this program. The fact that we have 13 scholarships and Felix Ballamou is playing in a game with our NCAA hopes on the line is preposterous.
So you say he is gone but your father said he is hearing him be extended. Wonder which one will be right.
The Maven is saying the only talk of extension is coming from Lavin's camp and not that he is hearing extension from SJU sources. Monasch and his staff have cut off any communication with him and he is off limits. Maven wants Lavin out regardless of whether he wins 18 games or 25. He wants him out regardless of whether he signs a top 10 recruiting class. He will also tell you it is not personal. If you know the Maven you know it is personal!! I know he is in a 90 year olds ear every chance he gets.

I know he is on a one man crusade with Zags and Braziller to feed as much bad press as humanly possible about Lavin. With the Maven everything is personal so take all his banter with 5000 milligrams of salt. The one person the Maven has not been able to influence is the most important decision maker and that is the new president who is much more familiar with Lavin than a disgruntled alum. I don't love Lavin either, or Monasch (who deserves to be fired) and could care less about Tom Pecora but dragging their names publicly through the mud is unprofessional when done in a vile manner. Much of what he says in his anger unfortunately, as he would say in his own words, has steak but no sizzle and the big fella needs to relax. What will be will be. I am disappointed that our expectations for a new coach have revolved around names like Masiello, a lying deceitful loser, Danny Hurley whose entire family never gave St. John's the time of day and Cluess who, while a good coach with St. John's ties, is strictly a local brand name guy who will not be able to recruit with the big boys. You fire coaches who have had losing records and fail to attract recruits and not because you agreed to pay them a negotiated salary to make you relevant after an incompetent hire made you irrelevant over 6 years with losing records and low major recruiting. If you want Lavin fired you better give me Shaka Smart or Gregg Marshall or not waste my time with another 5 years of rebuilding.