[quote="TRabinowitz" post=367448][quote="Logen" post=367445]There is a differing opinion and I will offer it; nonsense. PC culture has people looking for reasons to be offended largely where there are none there. It has destroyed the ability for us to laugh at ourselves, to revel in our shared humanities and learn not to take ourselves too seriously. It is THE great contributor, IMO, to the destruction of the grey divide that used to be where people of those differing opinions could reside together, resolve differences or at least understand an opposing point of view and agree to co-exist respecting those differences. NONE of us are better for it.[/quote]
If the former SJU mascot name was the St John's Blackmen and the logo was of a person-of-color with enlarged lips, would you feel the same way about fans wearing gear with that name and logo?[/quote]
It would depend, you may not want to hear it, but the fact is large noses are one of the prominent features of North American Indians. So if I thought a caricature was done mockingly or to offend I would have a different opinion of it, I do not think the one in question is remotely that.
I am not comparing the relative effect of experiences but I have heard more than my share of degrading comments based on national origin through the years; I never felt the need to play victim. I was also a small very cocky basketball player of some skill and took more than my share of abuse, physically and verbally on and off the courts, literally for decades, from black players. Some I brought on myself, some because I could play and part of the gamesmanship, some was simply because I was white. I had no problem with it, and in hindsight and retrospect, still don’t.
I am certainly not trying to tell you or anyone else how to think, I am merely expressing my view.