Nov 8, 2016 - The lesser of two evils?

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Didn't even allude to the man with the Sag Harbor Summer White House Chester A Arthur! Beast will walk by his house with me should he visit as he has dared ( ;) )

What street is it on? I've done a lot of walking there and don't think I've ever noticed a plaque.

Walk from where Whaling Museum is (Main Street) toward the almost refurbished Library...toward Madison street - you should be walking on or onto Union Street
The house has also been restored and I'll have to check if the plaque is still there - why would they not leave it -
The house is adjacent to the library property
Hope these directions weren't too confusing ;)

Weird, I literally walk down that street every night for two months in summertime and never noticed it before. Will definitely keep an eye out for it this summer.
Didn't even allude to the man with the Sag Harbor Summer White House Chester A Arthur! Beast will walk by his house with me should he visit as he has dared ( ;) )

What street is it on? I've done a lot of walking there and don't think I've ever noticed a plaque.

Walk from where Whaling Museum is (Main Street) toward the almost refurbished Library...toward Madison street - you should be walking on or onto Union Street
The house has also been restored and I'll have to check if the plaque is still there - why would they not leave it -
The house is adjacent to the library property
Hope these directions weren't too confusing ;)

Weird, I literally walk down that street every night for two months in summertime and never noticed it before. Will definitely keep an eye out for it this summer.

The sign is still up - home has been so elegantly restored

I took a pix but not sure how to paste it here??

I’m Voting Trump, Warts and All

I stand by all my criticisms of the New Yorker, but the stakes for the country are too great to elect Clinton.


Some of my fellow Republicans have declared they will never, under any circumstances, vote for Donald Trump. They are pessimistic about the party’s chances in November and seem more motivated by long-term considerations. They think devotion to the “anybody but Trump” movement is a principled and courageous stance that will help preserve a remnant of the conservative movement and its credibility, which can then serve as a foundation for renewal.

I sympathize with this perspective, but I am planning to vote for Donald Trump. Why? Because the stakes for my country, not merely my party, are simply too high.

I was one of the earliest and loudest critics of Mr. Trump. I mocked his appearance, demeanor, ideology and ego in the strongest language I have ever used to publicly criticize anyone in politics. I worked harder than most, with little apparent effect, to stop his ascendancy. I have not experienced a sudden epiphany and am not here to detail an evolution in my perspective.

I believe this presidential election cycle favors Republicans, due more to PresidentObama’s shortcomings than to any of our virtues or cleverness. I also believe that Donald Trump will have the hardest time of any of the Republican candidates in winning. He has stubbornly stuck to the same outlandish behavior and tactics that have served him so well to date. Mr. Trump continues to have the last laugh at the expense of his critics and competitors, myself included.

I think electing Donald Trump would be the second-worst thing we could do this November, better only than electing Hillary Clinton to serve as the third term for the Obama administration’s radical policies. I am not pretending that Mr. Trump has suddenly become a conservative champion or even a reliable Republican: He is completely unpredictable. The problem is that Hillary is predictably liberal.

There will be none of her husband’s triangulation. Republicans are fooling themselves if they think this President Clinton would sign into law policies like Nafta, the crime bill, welfare reform, or the deficit reduction packages that marked Bill’s tenure. While Bill felt compelled to confront Sister Souljah—and less directly Jesse Jackson—to appeal to moderate voters, Hillary is more responsive to pressure from Black Lives Matter and the far left. I have no idea what Mr. Trump might do, while Mrs. Clinton is predictable. Both are scary, the former less so.

The next president will make a critical appointment to the Supreme Court, who will cast the tiebreaking vote in important cases that will set precedents for years to come. Issues like the sanctity of innocent human life, constitutional protections for religious liberty and Second Amendment rights, and limits on the unelected federal bureaucracy hang in the balance.

In my lifetime, no Democrat in the White House has ever appointed a Supreme Court justice who surprised the nation by becoming more conservative, while the opposite certainly cannot be said for Republican appointments. Mr. Trump might not support a constitutionalist conservative focused on original intent and limits on the court’s powers. He may be more likely to appoint Judge Judy. However, there is only a chance that a President Trump would nominate a bad justice, while Mrs. Clinton certainly would.

The current president has abused his executive powers to implement ObamaCare and to grant de facto amnesty for illegal immigrants, in defiance of Congress and the courts. The next president will make critical decisions on whether to renew these executive orders or issue new ones repealing past abuses, and will make key appointments who will decide whether to continue bending the law to prop up ObamaCare.

Repealing and replacing ObamaCare will require congressional action. But President Obama has proven how much can be done by a determined executive. I admire his tenacity, though not his goals or disregard for constitutional limits. Mr. Trump has had a decidedly mixed record of both supporting and opposing more government involvement in health care. Mrs. Clinton has been much more consistent in favor of a big-government approach, dating to her own failed efforts in the 1990s.

If elected, Mrs. Clinton will continue hindering affordable domestic energy, increasing dependence on government and the growth of welfare programs, growing the nation’s debt and weakening America abroad. She will more firmly establish a culture of victimhood and identity politics, further dividing Americans rather than uniting us, and will continue promoting redistribution and government interference rather than growth and freedom.

I do not pretend Donald Trump is the Reaganesque leader we so desperately need, but he is certainly the better of two bad choices. Hardly an inspiring slogan, I know. It would be better to vote for a candidate rather than simply against one. If current trends hold, I will be among the many complaining this fall about my choices.

I understand why so many of my Republican friends are in denial, while many of my Democratic friends gleefully anticipate and applaud defections. The media is poised to reward those “courageous” Republicans ready to do the “right thing” and endorse Hillary. Count me out.

Mr. Jindal is a former governor of Louisiana (2008-16), a former U.S. congressman (2005-08) and a former chairman of the Republican Governors Association.
This lunatic shooter in Orlando might just have won the Presidency for Trump.

Nah, the shooter was not an immigrant and Trump's stance on gun control looks bad on this one. The guy was on the FBI's radar as known ISIS sympathizer, yet still permitted to purchase assault rifles.
This lunatic shooter in Orlando might just have won the Presidency for Trump.

Nah, the shooter was not an immigrant and Trump's stance on gun control looks bad on this one. The guy was on the FBI's radar as known ISIS sympathizer, yet still permitted to purchase assault rifles.

So when they make home made bombs and set them off at marathons etc., how will gun control help with that? These people want to kill Americans. They are radical Islamic terrorists.. it's ok to say it... Believe me, if Trump was president and this guy was on the ISIS sympathizers list, he would've been blocked from buying the guns... The current administration wants these things to happen so they can take away our right to have guns... That's why they did nothing to tag his name so when he went in to buy the guns he would've been blocked... It's a fkn joke
This lunatic shooter in Orlando might just have won the Presidency for Trump.

Nah, the shooter was not an immigrant and Trump's stance on gun control looks bad on this one. The guy was on the FBI's radar as known ISIS sympathizer, yet still permitted to purchase assault rifles.

So when they make home made bombs and set them off at marathons etc., how will gun control help with that? These people want to kill Americans. They are radical Islamic terrorists.. it's ok to say it... Believe me, if Trump was president and this guy was on the ISIS sympathizers list, he would've been blocked from buying the guns... The current administration wants these things to happen so they can take away our right to have guns... That's why they did nothing to tag his name so when he went in to buy the guns he would've been blocked... It's a fkn joke

I respect a difference of opinion, but let's be factual.

1. I am not sure how many times democrats have to reiterate that they have no plans to take away guns. It has been said a thousand times over. Yes, they want regulations so those with mental health issues and known terrorist sympathizers can not purchase them. If you (not you, Rawdognyc) fall into either of these categories, yes, I support taking your gun away.

2. You say that If Trump were president this guy would have been blocked from buying a gun? Well, if Trump were president, he would need to get some form of gun control regulation passed in order to do that. That's just a fact.

3. "The current administration wants these things to happen"? .....come'on.
The hypocrisy and total lack of leadership on the left will lead to more attacks like these. Let's see, a soldier screaming allah Akbar while assassinating fellow soldiers is work place violence, and so on and so on complete lack of leadership from top to bottom.
This lunatic shooter in Orlando might just have won the Presidency for Trump.

Nah, the shooter was not an immigrant and Trump's stance on gun control looks bad on this one. The guy was on the FBI's radar as known ISIS sympathizer, yet still permitted to purchase assault rifles.

So when they make home made bombs and set them off at marathons etc., how will gun control help with that? These people want to kill Americans. They are radical Islamic terrorists.. it's ok to say it... Believe me, if Trump was president and this guy was on the ISIS sympathizers list, he would've been blocked from buying the guns... The current administration wants these things to happen so they can take away our right to have guns... That's why they did nothing to tag his name so when he went in to buy the guns he would've been blocked... It's a fkn joke

I respect a difference of opinion, but let's be factual.

1. I am not sure how many times democrats have to reiterate that they have no plans to take away guns. It has been said a thousand times over. Yes, they want regulations so those with mental health issues and known terrorist sympathizers can not purchase them. If you (not you, Rawdognyc) fall into either of these categories, yes, I support taking your gun away.

2. You say that If Trump were president this guy would have been blocked from buying a gun? Well, if Trump were president, he would need to get some form of gun control regulation passed in order to do that. That's just a fact.

3. "The current administration wants these things to happen"? .....come'on.

Gray area for me on certain points. I agree that those with mental health and terrorist ties need to be regulated... I do think that the more bad things you let happen in regards to guns, the easier to pass legislation in terms of gun control.. The shooting could have been prevented since the FBI knew of his affiliation... However like I said, he would've made some bombs and wrapped them around his body and blown himself up... With Trump though at least he wants to go after these people. Obama/Hillary are afraid to even label these animals as radical Islamic terrorists... That's my main problem
Will the lbgt community protest local mosques like they do Catholic Churches? After all sharia law promotes the execution of homosexuals, but try to keep lbgt banners out of the St Patticks day parade and it's the end of the world.
forgive the ignorance but cnn is either blocked or not working here and no english channels and no fcebook, google etc. What happened in orlando recently ?
forgive the ignorance but cnn is either blocked or not working here and no english channels and no fcebook, google etc. What happened in orlando recently ?

There is a lot of information, but here are some quick facts......

Mass shooting in a LGBT night club. Over 50 dead, 50 injured. Gunman is a US citizen of Afghan dissent. He called 911 pledging allegiance to ISIS. FBI knew about him since 2013.
forgive the ignorance but cnn is either blocked or not working here and no english channels and no fcebook, google etc. What happened in orlando recently ?

There is a lot of information, but here are some quick facts......

Mass shooting in a LGBT night club. Over 50 dead, 50 injured. Gunman is a US citizen of Afghan dissent. He called 911 pledging allegiance to ISIS. FBI knew about him since 2013.
Holy shit. 50 dead ? guns and bombs or just guns ? It happened just now ? Did they catch him?
Np bombs, gunman dead. Arrested guy in Cali with an arsenal including chemicals headed for a LGBT event and he admitted to wanting to cause harm.
Np bombs, gunman dead. Arrested guy in Cali with an arsenal including chemicals headed for a LGBT event and he admitted to wanting to cause harm.
I'm still confused how one person was able to cause so much carnage with just an automatic weapon and a handgun... Like obviously at a club there are bouncers and tons of people... How does one shoot over 100 people with no one jumping in... I mean you cant have your six covered if you're on your own. How does no one stop him when he first starts opening fire? You can't tell me 3 or 4 people can't come up behind him and subdue him... Granted I've never been and hope to never be in that situation.. If I am though, I'm going down fighting... My prayers to the family and survivors though of this tragedy
forgive the ignorance but cnn is either blocked or not working here and no english channels and no fcebook, google etc. What happened in orlando recently ?

Hey, but at least you have - I mean, what more could you want?
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