Nov 8, 2016 - The lesser of two evils?

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TX Redman

Well-known member
We can only hope it does not come to this but time is running out for alternates.

In the red corner, a businessman* with no political experience, a narcissistic ego-maniac with a questionable platform regarding economic growth, foreign policy, taxes, immigration... you name it. Not known for consensus building, leadership or diplomacy. Eager to engage with a heavy hand, might actually take a swing at Putin if given the chance. Would [strike]probably[/strike] definitely grope female dignataries and summer interns.

* Main claim to fame: slapping his name on any old thing, being leveraged to the hilt (OPM), filing bankruptcy, creative comb-over and saying "Yoor fih-herd".

In the blue corner, a former First Lady*, attorney and carpetbagger with questionable dealings going all the way back to Whitewater and more recently Benghazi and personal email servers. Not one to shy away from any deal that will enhance her personal net worth (see "Chinagate" or "Travelgate"). Spouse not known for either fidelity or ethics.

* Only First Lady to be subpoenaed... Never met a pantsuit she did not like. Subterfuge is her middle name.

As an attorney she was thrown off the Watergate investigation for being a "... dishonest lawyer... She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality."

Heaven help us.
all the candidates suck. As scary as it sounds I think the one I would throw up least voting for is Jeb which is shocking because I think his brother is the worst president in history.

Actually I like Kasich but he doesn't have a chance unless someone takes him as a VP.. Maybe I could live with Rubio. All their economic plans suck so far

The one I really can't stand is Cruz. No way I could ever vote for him. I'd probably just not vote unless repubs will control the houses then I'd vote democrat against cruz ( not that it matters in new york )

Sad state of affairs when I have to hope for gridlock
Goddamn, another thread about Harrington and Chang.

otherwise known as changington.

Whatever happened to harrington ? any idea where he is now ?
so let me get this straight, a party that is so pro gay rights (personally no problem) and women's rights (also no problem) will be so In favor and fight so hard for a group of people who kill torture and imprision homosexuals and are archaic in the treatment of woman and take money from groups who promote said groups. Hmmmmmm
Unfortunately it is always the lesser of two evils. Could never vote for Clinton so it is easy for me.
Seems you're X-ing out an entire throng of desperate people because of their nominal religious ID. These people are desperate refugees fleeing tyranny, deprivation, and terror. The vetting process for refugees is very extensive. I think something like 3 of thousands of refugees since 9/11 have been involved in terrorist activities here.
Plus 45 people have been killed in terrorist attacks in USA by Muslim extremists since 9/11 vs. 48 killed by Christian /White Supremacist extremists.
It's time to be sensible and compassionate on this particular refugee issue. It's called being humane.
I'm still praying for a late Bloomberg 3rd party candidate run

You have worse taste in politicians than you do in beer.
Let's leave my beer taste out of this :)

But with politicians to me it's like choosing between broccoli,peas or lima beans. None of it tastes good
I'm still praying for a late Bloomberg 3rd party candidate run

You have worse taste in politicians than you do in beer.
Let's leave my beer taste out of this :)

But with politicians to me it's like choosing between broccoli,peas or lima beans. None of it tastes good

Yes, one man's meat is another man's Pilsner. But given the choice between a pol who wants to tell you how much salt you can put in your 16 oz soda by the light of your government approved light bulb and another who doesn't care if you own a bazooka, why would you vote for the fascist?
I'm still praying for a late Bloomberg 3rd party candidate run

You have worse taste in politicians than you do in beer.
Let's leave my beer taste out of this :)

But with politicians to me it's like choosing between broccoli,peas or lima beans. None of it tastes good

Yes, one man's meat is another man's Pilsner. But given the choice between a pol who wants to tell you how much salt you can put in your 16 oz soda by the light of your government approved light bulb and another who doesn't care if you own a bazooka, why would you vote for the fascist?

See I'm fine with the soda thing. I don't drink it too much because it's so bad for you

If Bloomberg starting messing with craft beer alcohol content I'd have a problem so I'll pick and choose my battles :)
The debates between Trump and Clinton will be "must-see TV".

I really have to imagine she'd slaughter him, but then again, all Palin had to do was wink and ask Biden if she could call him Joe, and people thought she won. Plus, most Americans score a debate like a boxing match. Clinton could dominate, but if Trump lands the last hard punch, 90 percent of viewers will think he won.
The debates between Trump and Clinton will be "must-see TV".

I really have to imagine she'd slaughter him, but then again, all Palin had to do was wink and ask Biden if she could call him Joe, and people thought she won. Plus, most Americans score a debate like a boxing match. Clinton could dominate, but if Trump lands the last hard punch, 90 percent if viewers will think he won.

Interesting conversation- never talk politics, sports - especially college basketball - religion around the dinner table ...

This year, IMVHO:
Some would prefer to skip the ejection, live without a Chief Executuve for four years then try again as both - again to some - leave the proverbial " much to be desired.

Do I hear Harding v Cox v Debs; Coolidge v three other candidates; Cleveland v Blaine; Garfield v Hancock; Hayes ("Rutherford" my favorite name) v Tilden; well I suppose all had their detractors and supporters including our beloved Lincoln...maybe he became great when he lost his beloved Ann Rutledge... suffering...

Millard Fillmore the last man NOT to be represented by Republicans or Democrats!!! That's it a third party man or woman.
Maybe Mike Repole and his supposed Cola "billions" on the Uncle Mo Third Party platform...tongue in cheek please...need Will Rogers humor this year.

But I'll leave the analysis for those with presidential history expertise. I have little.

Didn't even allude to the man with the Sag Harbor Summer White House Chester A Arthur! Beast will walk by his house with me should he visit as he has dared ( ;) )

Critique and apologies ladies and gentlemen (and "children of all ages" - kids show circa 1956-1967 w/ the pioneering Claude Kirschner)

God bless our land, great nation, lousy choices...
I'm still praying for a late Bloomberg 3rd party candidate run

You have worse taste in politicians than you do in beer.
Let's leave my beer taste out of this :)

But with politicians to me it's like choosing between broccoli,peas or lima beans. None of it tastes good

Yes, one man's meat is another man's Pilsner. But given the choice between a pol who wants to tell you how much salt you can put in your 16 oz soda by the light of your government approved light bulb and another who doesn't care if you own a bazooka, why would you vote for the fascist?

Because the consequences for society would be so vastly different?
Under your first scenario less people get diabetes and we conserve energy.
Under the second scenario crazy people have access to bazookas.

I'll choose Bloomberg everytime in that comparison.

No one likes to admit it but government is necessary to make the decisions we wouldn't make voluntarily. If left to our own vices we wouldn't protect the air/water or pay for fire and security, those without children wouldn't pay for schools, and social security is the safety net we all need because no one saves nearly enough for retirement.

Collectively it's easier to make the right decision than it is on a micro level.
I'm still praying for a late Bloomberg 3rd party candidate run

You have worse taste in politicians than you do in beer.
Let's leave my beer taste out of this :)

But with politicians to me it's like choosing between broccoli,peas or lima beans. None of it tastes good

Yes, one man's meat is another man's Pilsner. But given the choice between a pol who wants to tell you how much salt you can put in your 16 oz soda by the light of your government approved light bulb and another who doesn't care if you own a bazooka, why would you vote for the fascist?

Because the consequences for society would be so vastly different?
Under your first scenario less people get diabetes and we conserve energy.
Under the second scenario crazy people have access to bazookas.

I'll choose Bloomberg everytime in that comparison.

No one likes to admit it but government is necessary to make the decisions we wouldn't make voluntarily. If left to our own vices we wouldn't protect the air/water or pay for fire and security, those without children wouldn't pay for schools, and social security is the safety net we all need because no one saves nearly enough for retirement.

Collectively it's easier to make the right decision than it is on a micro level.

All valid points Desco, but when then do you draw the line at government intervention? Limit the amount of soda someone can drink but then allow them to go over to a bar and drink themselves in to oblivion. So why then not eliminate all fast food? Or prevent guys from playing basketball once they reach the age of 50? I could go on, but you get my point.
Didn't even allude to the man with the Sag Harbor Summer White House Chester A Arthur! Beast will walk by his house with me should he visit as he has dared ( ;) )

What street is it on? I've done a lot of walking there and don't think I've ever noticed a plaque.
I'm still praying for a late Bloomberg 3rd party candidate run

You have worse taste in politicians than you do in beer.
Let's leave my beer taste out of this :)

But with politicians to me it's like choosing between broccoli,peas or lima beans. None of it tastes good

Yes, one man's meat is another man's Pilsner. But given the choice between a pol who wants to tell you how much salt you can put in your 16 oz soda by the light of your government approved light bulb and another who doesn't care if you own a bazooka, why would you vote for the fascist?

Because the consequences for society would be so vastly different?
Under your first scenario less people get diabetes and we conserve energy.
Under the second scenario crazy people have access to bazookas.

I'll choose Bloomberg everytime in that comparison.

No one likes to admit it but government is necessary to make the decisions we wouldn't make voluntarily. If left to our own vices we wouldn't protect the air/water or pay for fire and security, those without children wouldn't pay for schools, and social security is the safety net we all need because no one saves nearly enough for retirement.

Collectively it's easier to make the right decision than it is on a micro level.

All valid points Desco, but when then do you draw the line at government intervention? Limit the amount of soda someone can drink but then allow them to go over to a bar and drink themselves in to oblivion. So why then not eliminate all fast food? Or prevent guys from playing basketball once they reach the age of 50? I could go on, but you get my point.

I agree Monte. Some protectionism is necessary, but it can get out of hand.
Personally I'm not a huge fan of the sugary drink limits, but I was just making a point that they have their utility ... and sometimes we need to protect ourselves from ourselves.

Thankfully that's why we have elections. To rein them in when pols overreach.
Didn't even allude to the man with the Sag Harbor Summer White House Chester A Arthur! Beast will walk by his house with me should he visit as he has dared ( ;) )

What street is it on? I've done a lot of walking there and don't think I've ever noticed a plaque.

Walk from where Whaling Museum is (Main Street) toward the almost refurbished Library...toward Madison street - you should be walking on or onto Union Street
The house has also been restored and I'll have to check if the plaque is still there - why would they not leave it -
The house is adjacent to the library property
Hope these directions weren't too confusing ;)
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