Next Coach?

Out of respect for the team and what the coach has accomplished this season, can one of the mods change the title of this thread. It has been mostly a mockery of the original intention for a few weeks, but it should not be the first thing that comes up when someone logs on.

Change it back after the season. We need only positive energy this month.

How about "The Next Coach - is Lavin"?
There is still some hope for those who want Lavin out regardless. The level he has the team playing now they could win the Big East tournament, win a couple of games in the NCAA and have some school throw a bundle of money at him in April.

That would be an interesting scenario and being off the hot seat has given his agent a better bargaining position. The pro side of the argument is St. John's would save on buy out costs and they would be able to put that towards an offer in the $2.5 million range where you can possibly attract the Miller, Marshall, Smarts of the coaching world. This is going to be an interesting April.

Seriously? I can't even believe this is actually on here....First chance in hell what you mentioned will remotely ever think about that Lavin actually wants to be here, he wants to rebuild the program to a top contender year in and year out, It's the vision he had when he arrived and although some speed bumps along the way, he's still moving in the right direction and I think he is still very motivated to achieve his goals. So, sorry to all of you who want the team succeed but Lavin to go also, it is not happening, especially not by him going somewhere else to coach.
There is still some hope for those who want Lavin out regardless. The level he has the team playing now they could win the Big East tournament, win a couple of games in the NCAA and have some school throw a bundle of money at him in April.

That would be an interesting scenario and being off the hot seat has given his agent a better bargaining position. The pro side of the argument is St. John's would save on buy out costs and they would be able to put that towards an offer in the $2.5 million range where you can possibly attract the Miller, Marshall, Smarts of the coaching world. This is going to be an interesting April.

Seriously? I can't even believe this is actually on here....First chance in hell what you mentioned will remotely ever think about that Lavin actually wants to be here, he wants to rebuild the program to a top contender year in and year out, It's the vision he had when he arrived and although some speed bumps along the way, he's still moving in the right direction and I think he is still very motivated to achieve his goals. So, sorry to all of you who want the team succeed but Lavin to go also, it is not happening, especially not by him going somewhere else to coach.

Reread my missive. All I said was it would be an interesting scenario. I also agreed to the chagrin of a few that Lavin is no longer on the hot seat.
If negotiations become contentious do not be naive if other programs see an opportunity and he listened. If he feels as unwelcomed to return as evidenced by angry Tweets by Maven, Chris, and a couple of NYC beat reporters, would you blame him after some consider he resurrected a program that was DOA every March the previous 7 years?
The bottom line as I stated is the bargaining advantage I saw SJU having has disappeared faster than you can say Danny Hurley.
Out of respect for the team and what the coach has accomplished this season, can one of the mods change the title of this thread. It has been mostly a mockery of the original intention for a few weeks, but it should not be the first thing that comes up when someone logs on.

Change it back after the season. We need only positive energy this month.

And what about the “Pack Your Bags, Pointer” thread that you started at the end of last season, Marillac--about a 20-year-old kid-- and in which you stated:

“I have never hated a St. John's player more. We can fill his ship with ANYONE better than him. Even nothing is better than him.”

I agree that the Lavin criticism gets tiring and redundant. But you of all people are not in a position to be holier-than-thou about it.
There is still some hope for those who want Lavin out regardless. The level he has the team playing now they could win the Big East tournament, win a couple of games in the NCAA and have some school throw a bundle of money at him in April.

That would be an interesting scenario and being off the hot seat has given his agent a better bargaining position. The pro side of the argument is St. John's would save on buy out costs and they would be able to put that towards an offer in the $2.5 million range where you can possibly attract the Miller, Marshall, Smarts of the coaching world. This is going to be an interesting April.

Seriously? I can't even believe this is actually on here....First chance in hell what you mentioned will remotely ever think about that Lavin actually wants to be here, he wants to rebuild the program to a top contender year in and year out, It's the vision he had when he arrived and although some speed bumps along the way, he's still moving in the right direction and I think he is still very motivated to achieve his goals. So, sorry to all of you who want the team succeed but Lavin to go also, it is not happening, especially not by him going somewhere else to coach.

Reread my missive. All I said was it would be an interesting scenario. I also agreed to the chagrin of a few that Lavin is no longer on the hot seat.
If negotiations become contentious do not be naive if other programs see an opportunity and he listened. If he feels as unwelcomed to return as evidenced by angry Tweets by Maven, Chris, and a couple of NYC beat reporters, would you blame him after some consider he resurrected a program that was DOA every March the previous 7 years?
The bottom line as I stated is the bargaining advantage I saw SJU having has disappeared faster than you can say Danny Hurley.

Lavin is getting paid big bucks to deliver an NCAA bid and is already in the top 20 or so or compensated coaches. Nobody is going to offer him more to leave unless we go really really really really really far - like wining the NCAA tournament and then him coaching our baseball team to the NCAA championship
There is still some hope for those who want Lavin out regardless. The level he has the team playing now they could win the Big East tournament, win a couple of games in the NCAA and have some school throw a bundle of money at him in April.

That would be an interesting scenario and being off the hot seat has given his agent a better bargaining position. The pro side of the argument is St. John's would save on buy out costs and they would be able to put that towards an offer in the $2.5 million range where you can possibly attract the Miller, Marshall, Smarts of the coaching world. This is going to be an interesting April.

Seriously? I can't even believe this is actually on here....First chance in hell what you mentioned will remotely ever think about that Lavin actually wants to be here, he wants to rebuild the program to a top contender year in and year out, It's the vision he had when he arrived and although some speed bumps along the way, he's still moving in the right direction and I think he is still very motivated to achieve his goals. So, sorry to all of you who want the team succeed but Lavin to go also, it is not happening, especially not by him going somewhere else to coach.

Reread my missive. All I said was it would be an interesting scenario. I also agreed to the chagrin of a few that Lavin is no longer on the hot seat.
If negotiations become contentious do not be naive if other programs see an opportunity and he listened. If he feels as unwelcomed to return as evidenced by angry Tweets by Maven, Chris, and a couple of NYC beat reporters, would you blame him after some consider he resurrected a program that was DOA every March the previous 7 years?
The bottom line as I stated is the bargaining advantage I saw SJU having has disappeared faster than you can say Danny Hurley.

Lavin is getting paid big bucks to deliver an NCAA bid and is already in the top 20 or so or compensated coaches. Nobody is going to offer him more to leave unless we go really really really really really far - like wining the NCAA tournament and then him coaching our baseball team to the NCAA championship

I like the possibility of him coaching the baseball team but can he recruit top baseball talent? :)
In reality there are close to 40 college coaches now earning $1 million or more. It isn't a question of Lavin earning $2 million in NYC but whether he would be happier in the long term if he felt more welcomed in a small college town and earned $1.5 million. As crazy as it sounds it is a possibility.
Just throwing it out there on a snowy day and giving Avon and Ricky something to hope for. I aim to please. ;)
Had to be someone from here who just called Francesa, claiming to be a 28 year season ticket holder, and demanding a coaching change, no?

Francesa brushed him off, though he did say there was a time earlier (and maybe in the future) where that was a viable question. Basically told the guy to just enjoy what is going on right now.

He thinks we could be seeded anywhere from 7-9, FWIW.
More requests to lock the thread? I will never understand disallowing discussion on a topic because some disagree with the opinion it serves.

Thank God for the first amendment.

Does the first amendment include privately owned message boards?

Likely not. I am sure it is subject to the discretion of its owner.

I posted my current feeling on the coach yesterday and feel no need to reiterate. That said, the censoring of specific topics seems to defeat the purpose of a message board.

This is a ridiculous assertion on your part. You are free to write whatever you want, but not free form the ramifications of such assertions. You have no legal right to publish here, and as such if you wrote egregious. libelous. false, racist, or other types of unacceptable posts, you would rightfully and legally be quieted or banned, First Amendment or not.

I don't disagree with that.
First Amendment means the government can't infringe on your free speech rights. You can go stand on the street corner and speak your mind. However, private entities (such as corporations and websites) can set up their own rules for what constitutes acceptable speech.

The other funny thing about the right to free speech is many idiots believe it frees you from the ramifications of your words. When folks rightfully point out, for example, what a moron Ben Carson sounds like when he's discussing prison rape (or pretty much anything else but lets stay current) and it creates a negative response the miscreants who agree with him start going on about free speech. For the record Ben Carson is free to say whatever he wants per the first amendment. Critics are allowed to say whatever they want in response, per the first amendment. Of course the old adage is one Ben should say every time he looks in the mirror . . . Better to say nothing and have them wonder if you're a fool then open your mouth and remove all doubt. Same can go for some posts, on both sides.
There is still some hope for those who want Lavin out regardless. The level he has the team playing now they could win the Big East tournament, win a couple of games in the NCAA and have some school throw a bundle of money at him in April.

Lavin enjoys the restaurants in Soho too much to go anywhere.
Out of respect for the team and what the coach has accomplished this season, can one of the mods change the title of this thread. It has been mostly a mockery of the original intention for a few weeks, but it should not be the first thing that comes up when someone logs on.

Change it back after the season. We need only positive energy this month.

And what about the “Pack Your Bags, Pointer” thread that you started at the end of last season, Marillac--about a 20-year-old kid-- and in which you stated:

“I have never hated a St. John's player more. We can fill his ship with ANYONE better than him. Even nothing is better than him.”

I agree that the Lavin criticism gets tiring and redundant. But you of all people are not in a position to be holier-than-thou about it.

That was sarcasm, hello?
Had to be someone from here who just called Francesa, claiming to be a 28 year season ticket holder, and demanding a coaching change, no?

Francesa brushed him off, though he did say there was a time earlier (and maybe in the future) where that was a viable question. Basically told the guy to just enjoy what is going on right now.

He thinks we could be seeded anywhere from 7-9, FWIW.

What kind of idiot would make that call after we've won seven of eight and four in a row. Some guys just can't be happy.
Had to be someone from here who just called Francesa, claiming to be a 28 year season ticket holder, and demanding a coaching change, no?

Francesa brushed him off, though he did say there was a time earlier (and maybe in the future) where that was a viable question. Basically told the guy to just enjoy what is going on right now.

He thinks we could be seeded anywhere from 7-9, FWIW.

What kind of idiot would make that call after we've won seven of eight and four in a row. Some guys just can't be happy.

Sammy A ?
Had to be someone from here who just called Francesa, claiming to be a 28 year season ticket holder, and demanding a coaching change, no?

Francesa brushed him off, though he did say there was a time earlier (and maybe in the future) where that was a viable question. Basically told the guy to just enjoy what is going on right now.

He thinks we could be seeded anywhere from 7-9, FWIW.

What kind of idiot would make that call after we've won seven of eight and four in a row. Some guys just can't be happy.

Sammy A ?

It's probably the same loser who called the school and sandbagged ADR.
Out of respect for the team and what the coach has accomplished this season, can one of the mods change the title of this thread. It has been mostly a mockery of the original intention for a few weeks, but it should not be the first thing that comes up when someone logs on.

Change it back after the season. We need only positive energy this month.

And what about the “Pack Your Bags, Pointer” thread that you started at the end of last season, Marillac--about a 20-year-old kid-- and in which you stated:

“I have never hated a St. John's player more. We can fill his ship with ANYONE better than him. Even nothing is better than him.”

I agree that the Lavin criticism gets tiring and redundant. But you of all people are not in a position to be holier-than-thou about it.

That was sarcasm, hello?

Yes obviously and particularly the "If he takes Greene with him...fine. Dom just HAS to go. His scholarship shouldn't be renewed...experiment is over. He sucks and he is a terrible kid to represent this school."
Had to be someone from here who just called Francesa, claiming to be a 28 year season ticket holder, and demanding a coaching change, no?

Francesa brushed him off, though he did say there was a time earlier (and maybe in the future) where that was a viable question. Basically told the guy to just enjoy what is going on right now.

He thinks we could be seeded anywhere from 7-9, FWIW.

What kind of idiot would make that call after we've won seven of eight and four in a row. Some guys just can't be happy.

Sammy A ?

It's probably the same loser who called the school and sandbagged ADR.

check your PMs
Had to be someone from here who just called Francesa, claiming to be a 28 year season ticket holder, and demanding a coaching change, no?

Francesa brushed him off, though he did say there was a time earlier (and maybe in the future) where that was a viable question. Basically told the guy to just enjoy what is going on right now.

He thinks we could be seeded anywhere from 7-9, FWIW.

What kind of idiot would make that call after we've won seven of eight and four in a row. Some guys just can't be happy.

Sammy A ?

Sammy is 61 and sounds it. Likely an obsessed 30 year old who envies Lavin for having an attractive wife while he is dating a chubby and can only get a chubby by fantasizing about coaches wives.
The sexual implications in the obsession are obvious. Perhaps this will sooth his cravings:
