NCAA & Power Conferences Lobbying Juggernaut

The headline just reeks of the hypocrisy in all of this. No one can say the NCAA powers that be are stupid; they figured out how to get “fans” to pay the players while they used $’s generated by the “student athletes” to get them put them back in their place. Admirably brilliant if everyone involved wasn’t so utterly despicable.
The headline just reeks of the hypocrisy in all of this. No one can say the NCAA powers that be are stupid; they figured out how to get “fans” to pay the players while they used $’s generated by the “student athletes” to get them put them back in their place. Admirably brilliant if everyone involved wasn’t so utterly despicable.
It's a multi-billion dollar for profit business.
Unique in its business/political structure, it literally has Zero, Nada, Nothing to do with any member institution's educational objectives.
It's the quintessential American side hustle involving profiteers from the media world and the DC swamp partnering with the NCAA to make big bucks in sports that are already provided to the public on the professional level.
In this new paradigm, athletes are not paid to play basketball for a school while on full scholarship. They are paid with endorsement deals TOTALLY UNAFFILIATED with the schools.
In short, everyone is paid to lie about the true agreements.
It is unregulated to the advantage of the athletes.
The books are cooked "legally" so everyone's hands are clean.
Val objecting to settlement payout for BE, says unfair..basically she says P5-football schools orchestrated this.

This officially segregates the haves and the have nots.
The next phase should be the 27 other conferences suing the P5 and NCAA for monopolistic practices and restraint of trade......or something.
Ackerman and BE schools do nothing while Rome was burning and expected something different? Sat on their hands like good little schoolboys when the NCAA and P5 publicly slapped them in the face on Selection Sunday and they are surprised by this? And what happened to the grandiose back room discussions the BE were supposedly engaged in to straighten the NCAA out?
Sorry, but anyone with half a brain knew this is where all this was going.
These media leaks all reek of, "look we tried" when the other option gets passed.

Unless the BE/other conferences can flex their political muscle in DC or have some type of lawsuit, I think we're screwed.

Can someone explain which bucket the Big East falls into? I can’t follow this chart. Also, how is this approved within NCAA membership? Don’t all members get a vote? Or can this just happen by fiat?
Would the conferences still feel obligated to include the likes of the MEAC, Sunbelt, American East, etc?

Because of the answer is no, which I think it would be, it’s only a matter of time until that same question gets moved down to.. are they obligated to include the Big East?
I guess it will depend on how it's set up. Do they value the Big East foe basketball at all? If so, they may set up 2 organizations, 1 for football and 1 for basketball. If they don't, they will lose the NY market because a lot of it doesn't care about college football at all and when SJ is good, they do care about college basketball.
Unless the BE becomes proactive and at least fight for a seat at the table, they are just another mid-major conference to be pushed to the curb.

Do you really believe that the Big East school presidents, it’s athletic directors, it’s media consultants and is paid lobbyists are merely sitting back and watching events unfold without attempting to improve its position ?