My endorsement for mullin

Stop drinking the kool aid Mullin experiment is a disaster. Unfortunately he is not going anywhere. In 20 years from now the admin will still be hanging onto 1985 glory days. The school has so many things wrong with it. Law school rankings drop, undergrad ranking drop and basketball program still in a free fall. Mismanagement all around starting from the president.
SLYFOXX1968 wrote:
No one , despite the self professed Geniuses on this site, would have remotely thought this Season would fall off the tracks so badly in the BE Conference games . Most knew the Roster was razor thin, even with Clark and Simon being added ..............

I agree with most of what you say but would add that the "razor thin" roster which the coaching staff had planned on became even thinner with the unexpected departure of Sid Wilson. Had Wilson's unlikely departure been foreseen, or had Mr. Wilson never committed to StJohns then it is likely that the StJohns staff would have used efforts to add another player before the season started.

I also agree that "It seems to me that a vocal segment of the posters here, actually want Mullin to fail and have been that way since he was hired" (your quote). Unfortunately the only amusement which this season has brought is read the comical elongated posts by a poster who repeats the same "I told you so" statements s/he message.

The bottom line is that next season, season #4, will be the "make or break" season for Mullin.
SLYFOXX1968 wrote:
No one , despite the self professed Geniuses on this site, would have remotely thought this Season would fall off the tracks so badly in the BE Conference games . Most knew the Roster was razor thin, even with Clark and Simon being added ..............

I agree with most of what you say but would add that the "razor thin" roster which the coaching staff had planned on became even thinner with the unexpected departure of Sid Wilson. Had Wilson's unlikely departure been foreseen, or had Mr. Wilson never committed to StJohns then it is likely that the StJohns staff would have used efforts to add another player before the season started.

I also agree that "It seems to me that a vocal segment of the posters here, actually want Mullin to fail and have been that way since he was hired" (your quote). Unfortunately the only amusement which this season has brought is read the comical elongated posts by a poster who repeats the same "I told you so" statements s/he message.

The bottom line is that next season, season #4, will be the "make or break" season for Mullin.

And if things don't work out I am sure that Will Brown, Tim Cluess or whoever will be given much more time to fix things than Chris Mullin was given on these boards;)
I am thinking 2020 for first post of Brown,Cluess, whoever can't coach we should have hired Cal, he was dying to come here.
Ok, we have a short roster and there was no way for the staff to foresee the losses of Lovett and Wilson. If we had those two guys then Yakwe and Ali hardly play and we go eight deep and are probably 6-4 in conference right now.

That being said, here’s what I want to see from here until the end of the season. I certainly do not expect a win in either of the next three games. But, while we will lose , I just don’t want any more blowouts. If you look at the last six games of the season, the schedule is as favorable as it will ever be for us. I want to this team win three or four of the final six games. Home against Seton Hall, at De Paul , at Providence , Marquette at home I believe are all winnable games. I believe we have Butler at home also, we can pay them back. 4 out of 6 and then we look forward to next season with a full roster.
SLYFOXX1968 wrote:
No one , despite the self professed Geniuses on this site, would have remotely thought this Season would fall off the tracks so badly in the BE Conference games . Most knew the Roster was razor thin, even with Clark and Simon being added ..............

I agree with most of what you say but would add that the "razor thin" roster which the coaching staff had planned on became even thinner with the unexpected departure of Sid Wilson. Had Wilson's unlikely departure been foreseen, or had Mr. Wilson never committed to StJohns then it is likely that the StJohns staff would have used efforts to add another player before the season started.

I also agree that "It seems to me that a vocal segment of the posters here, actually want Mullin to fail and have been that way since he was hired" (your quote). Unfortunately the only amusement which this season has brought is read the comical elongated posts by a poster who repeats the same "I told you so" statements s/he message.

The bottom line is that next season, season #4, will be the "make or break" season for Mullin.

Your proclamation that next year, Mullin's 4th, will be a make or break year is truly enlightening! :D   Maybe you should check with a friend of yours who predicts Mullin is our last hope!  There is no St. John's basketball program after Mullin.  What I find amusing is that you think losing every freaking game is somehow making paying customers feel vindicated about hiring a $2 million coach with zero experience.  A saviour so arrogant as to think he was even worth $2 million doesn't need critical fans to point to his impersonation of a real coach, especially in year one when he was an observer and student to a twenty something fellow neophyte. 

Your smug partisanship with a double-talking SlyFox is completely contradictory to what is now seemingly obvious  to most observers.  Both point to recruiting as the source of the problem yet distance Mullin from that process.  You point to Sid Wilson who had little interest in St. John's even before a hurried press conference.  Where was Mullin in the recruitment of Hashan French a year earlier?  Why did they pursue an obviously troubled Zach Brown?  Why weren't they able to retain Yankuba Sima?  How many coaches not on a hot seat lose 5 players in one season?  Your make or break season is predicated on a stability that has to include not losing Owens or Ponds.  It is predicated on actually signing a 4 star player that has now become a must - get target.  In short, he has become Mullin's Isiah Briscoe.  Should Matt Abdelmassih actually find a safer haven down south or be run out of town by your friend, then Brooks becomes a big question mark.  As your buddy Slyfox indicated both Clark and Simon are just role players, who, in their previous better programs would have been 6th or 7th men.  Which leaves your final ultimatum to Mullin in the hands of returning 3 star players and on boarding 3 star players. 
Therefore,  your Passion Play depicting the Passion of Chris Mullin: his trial on social media, his suffering all the way to cashing $2 million at the bank and possible demise on the Celtic cross on the campus quadrangle comes across as quite Pontius Pilate like.  Hope I kept this brief enough for you.;)
SLYFOXX1968 wrote:
No one , despite the self professed Geniuses on this site, would have remotely thought this Season would fall off the tracks so badly in the BE Conference games . Most knew the Roster was razor thin, even with Clark and Simon being added ..............

I agree with most of what you say but would add that the "razor thin" roster which the coaching staff had planned on became even thinner with the unexpected departure of Sid Wilson. Had Wilson's unlikely departure been foreseen, or had Mr. Wilson never committed to StJohns then it is likely that the StJohns staff would have used efforts to add another player before the season started.

I also agree that "It seems to me that a vocal segment of the posters here, actually want Mullin to fail and have been that way since he was hired" (your quote). Unfortunately the only amusement which this season has brought is read the comical elongated posts by a poster who repeats the same "I told you so" statements s/he message.

The bottom line is that next season, season #4, will be the "make or break" season for Mullin.

Your proclamation that next year, Mullin's 4th, will be a make or break year is truly enlightening! :D   Maybe you should check with a friend of yours who predicts Mullin is our last hope!  There is no St. John's basketball program after Mullin.  What I find amusing is that you think losing every freaking game is somehow making paying customers feel vindicated about hiring a $2 million coach with zero experience.  A saviour so arrogant as to think he was even worth $2 million doesn't need critical fans to point to his impersonation of a real coach, especially in year one when he was an observer and student to a twenty something fellow neophyte. 

Your smug partisanship with a double-talking SlyFox is completely contradictory to what is now seemingly obvious  to most observers.  Both point to recruiting as the source of the problem yet distance Mullin from that process.  You point to Sid Wilson who had little interest in St. John's even before a hurried press conference.  Where was Mullin in the recruitment of Hashan French a year earlier?  Why did they pursue an obviously troubled Zach Brown?  Why weren't they able to retain Yankuba Sima?  How many coaches not on a hot seat lose 5 players in one season?  Your make or break season is predicated on a stability that has to include not losing Owens or Ponds.  It is predicated on actually signing a 4 star player that has now become a must - get target.  In short, he has become Mullin's Isiah Briscoe.  Should Matt Abdelmassih actually find a safer haven down south or be run out of town by your friend, then Brooks becomes a big question mark.  As your buddy Slyfox indicated both Clark and Simon are just role players, who, in their previous better programs would have been 6th or 7th men.  Which leaves your final ultimatum to Mullin in the hands of returning 3 star players and on boarding 3 star players. 
Therefore,  your Passion Play depicting the Passion of Chris Mullin: his trial on social media, his suffering all the way to cashing $2 million at the bank and possible demise on the Celtic cross on the campus quadrangle comes across as quite Pontius Pilate like.  Hope I kept this brief enough for you.;)

I thought this season was suppossed to be the "make or break" season by quite a few fans. I see some are already moving the needle. I bet if we win 7 conference games next season and end up in the NIT or home, then they will point to his 5th season being the "make or break" season. LOL

If you continue to lower expectations, then there won't ever be any.
agree 100% with class of 72. Its the head coaches job to know that they need to be prepared for an injury or two without a total collapse. Throw in our usual mid season transfer and we are down to walk ons. All to familiar here at St Johns. The most disheartening thing is some of you are so enamored with "Chris Mullin" as a player, that you don't realize his failure as a coach. How dare any poster on here criticize other posters for being disgusted with a 0-10 Big East record and a paltry 10-12 overall record. Hold this program and its staff to a higher standard. Sorry but we can not let our personal emotions about the player effect the results he produced as a coach. Stop with the excuses about a thin roster. Thats the staff's fault, no one else's. I say it again, ENOUGH already, we deserve a winning program here. Im sure Coach Mullin and the player agree. Unfortunately, he is the one driving the boat, and its taking on a lot of water!
I'm not saying this is true or not but maybe mullin is protecting our guys from further foul trouble (as we have a tendency for the silly fouls) from banging underneath because of depth issues? Earlier in the year the rebounding margins were a lot closer as I remember us crashing the boards more often.

protecting our guys? 0-10 for crap sake, might as well just go all out.