For the record, Cragg has been the ONLY person to maintain a relationship with Mike Repole throughout his estrangement from the rest of the university. Other than his relationship with CRP through horseracing, no one at st.. John's is closer to Mike Repole than Mike Cragg and Mike quietly kept the lines of communication open even after Repole moved to Florida. NIL created a pathway for Repole to support the team without re-engaging with trustees and other administrators and Cragg's relationship with Repole helped connect the dots there.Otis, Cragg made arguably the worst financial hire in the history of St. John's University, and called it "a home run hire" on top of it. Before the "home run hire" even coached a game, Cragg decided that it would be a good idea to hike season ticket prices by 30%, resulting in a reduction in season ticket renewals Then,
to top it all off, he compounded those 2 blunders by adding a multi-million dollar extension to the "home run hire's" contract before the "home run hire" accomplished anything of consequence. None of those things had anything to do with a lack of funding, and everything to do with a lack of acumen.
If not for the hiring of Fr. Shanley, which resulted in the hiring of Rick Pitino, which resulted in bringing Mike Repole back in to the fold(something Cragg could have never done on his own), I'm not so sure that Cragg would still be our AD today.
I met the man, he's a very nice guy, but let's not confuse him with Red Auerbach.
Your post has no basis in fact except your take on outward appearrances. Even in the dark vitriolic days between Repole and the BOT, Cragg maintained that friendship and continues to grow the relationship. I cannot say more than this but good stuff is happening.