Fortunately or unfortunately, the reason Bobby G. is investing so much in basketball is that he sees it as a revenue producing sport that must carry its own load in terms of profitability and maybe even carry all the expenses of the athletic department.
In a year where the team is picked to finish at the bottom of the Big East, season tickets went up another 8%. Last season they went up 8% over the previous year. Right now a family grossing 100K per year would have to fork over $1400 for two decent season tix, more than one week's net salary. Probably squeezing out middle class families.
An event like this shouldn't be about music, or revenue, or anything but generating a lot of interest for the season. Inviting in performing artists to draw students who don't give a care about basketball won't work and hasn't worked. Looking at the students who do attend all games, and sit behind the CA baskets, they are almost all guys, and almost all white. Really strange on a very diverse campus, but I am sure there are lots of reasons for that.
If you ask me, Midnight madness is all about basketball and amping up students. HAving a mini concert attached to it hasn't worked, so why continue that.