Needless to say, we have a lot of problems on the talent front, but Ellison is making things worse than they need to be. He has disrupted the chemistry of this team since his return from injury. He's too lazy, too selfish and not talented enough to be playing in the Big East.
He's a freshman, who would barley be logging any quality minutes on just about any past (and likely future) SJU team. He was an available recruit when we needed it, and he comes from an outstanding pedigree. Add Williams, Sima, and Lovett to this equation, and we might not see him more than 5 minutes per game, but right now we need him, and we need him to step up and hope that he's learning from his mistakes.
To me;
Keepers; Sima, Yakwe, Mussini & presumably LoVett, nice nucleus to build on.
Jury out on Williams & Ellison. Hopefully, freshman or not, Ellison will exhibit sufficient positives over remaining games to merit more optimism. In fairness to Williams, let's see how he comes back from injury next year. Must say in admittedly short sample, I was not impressed.