Lapchick statue initiative


Well-known member
As some of you are already aware, we are hosting fundraising dinner at The 21 Club in NYC on Thursday, May 9.

The purpose of the event is to raise funds so that we can build a statue of Coach Lapchick that will sit outside Carnesecca Arena.

By doing so we will be permanently honoring the life and legacy of a great coach and an even better man.

If you would like more information about the May 9 fundraising dinner please send me a PM at your earliest convenience.

For those unable to attend the fund raiser, we are delighted and most grateful to accept contributions of any amount.

All donations are tax-deductible

I look forward to "hearing" from you and I thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

It is greatly appreciated !!
I want to personally thank Jerseryshorejohnny for all of his efforts on making this happen. He made a commitment to this last year and now we are closer to making this a reality. In the past I've stated on here (along with several others) how important I think it is that we as a University and as a city, honor Coach Lapchick for what he meant to St. John's and to basketball. I've already made a donation and hope every member on here does as well, no matter what the amount. This tribute is long overdue.
I agree. Jerseyshorejohnny is the driving force behind many SJU endeavors.
On the latest, I hope it is a success and certainly looks to be with JSJ leading it.
jerseyshorejohnny, glad to see this movement is starting to take traction. Will PM you, but wouldn't it best to "go public" with this info so that as many eyes as possible will get to see it?

Bottom line: Thanks for all your effort, commitment, and hard work to try to bring this dream to fruition. It will get done!
A tremendous initiative by a great poster and an even better person. It is so fitting that the initiative be undertaken by JSJ, a true Redmen.
No better SJU supporter on these sites than JSJ. Not just hoops but the school in general.

A true friend of the university and an awesome guy.
You can donate by check or online. Checks must be made payable to St. John's University and sent to: Kevin P. Barry, Associate Director of Athletic Development, St. John's University, 8000 Utopia Parkway, University Cener, Suite B, Queens, New York 11439

Donations can also be made on-line by visiting athletics

The user will need to choose "OTHER" under designation and then type in Lapchick Dinner or Lapchick Statue in the box provided for Special Designation.
All systems are GO for Thursday evening May 9 at The "21" Club.

We are working on the final details.

Richard Lapchick and his sister Barbara will be in attendance.

Bill Raferty will be The MC.

Coach John Thompson, who has a great relationship with Richard Lapchick, will be the keynote speaker. Coach Thompson said yes immediately and we thank him greatly for his time and generosity.

We reached out to Bobby Knight A YEAR AGO, who was close with Joe Lapchick when he was a young coach at West Point, but he was unable to fit it into his hunting/fishing schedule.

We also reached out to Kareem, who is a great personal friend of Richard's, but that didn't work either.

I don't want to get it to it on Redmen but if you ever want me to share stories about the aforementioned I would be delighted to do so over a beer.

Many of Coach Lapchick's former players will be at "21".

Needless to say, Coach Carnesecca and Coach Kaiser, who have been instrumental in this initiative, will be at "21".

If there is anything that Coach Curran's death has amplified is that many of us aren't getting any younger and that, if you can, NOW is the time to be at these type of events if at all possible.

Many, many thank's to everyone who have sent checks to Kevin Barry thus far. We greatly appreciate any and all contributions !!
Just want to say Thank You Very Very Much to all those who have made a financial commitment to our Coach Lapchick initiative.

Among those who have made pledges of one form or another are:

NYC Redmen, Devane 1 , Brook Jersey, Beast of the East, MJ Maher Jr, Jack of Va., Pray 4 Change, Vandiemen 8, QC Redman, Class of 72, Indyredmen 97, Sherman, Sheridan and Grant, and Jnaw17

If I missed anyone please let me know and I apologize in advance.

If you haven't already, please mail your checks payable as soon as possible to:

St. John's University to Kevin P. Barry, St. John's University, 8000 Utopia Parkway, University Center/Suite B, Queens , New York 11439
All systems are GO for Thursday evening May 9 at The "21" Club.

We are working on the final details.

Richard Lapchick and his sister Barbara will be in attendance.

Bill Raferty will be The MC.

Coach John Thompson, who has a great relationship with Richard Lapchick, will be the keynote speaker. Coach Thompson said yes immediately and we thank him greatly for his time and generosity.

We reached out to Bobby Knight A YEAR AGO, who was close with Joe Lapchick when he was a young coach at West Point, but he was unable to fit it into his hunting/fishing schedule.

We also reached out to Kareem, who is a great personal friend of Richard's, but that didn't work either.

I don't want to get it to it on Redmen but if you ever want me to share stories about the aforementioned I would be delighted to do so over a beer.

Many of Coach Lapchick's former players will be at "21".

Needless to say, Coach Carnesecca and Coach Kaiser, who have been instrumental in this initiative, will be at "21".

If there is anything that Coach Curran's death has amplified is that many of us aren't getting any younger and that, if you can, NOW is the time to be at these type of events if at all possible.

Many, many thank's to everyone who have sent checks to Kevin Barry thus far. We greatly appreciate any and all contributions !!

American built a World War II memorial well after most WW II veterans were gone - my father was one of them - I would have loved to take my Dad down to D.C. to visit
I know it's unrealistic but I wonder is any praise was given to the Big Indian while he was still around - as with Louie and the court's name.

too bad Bobby Knight wont come because he was ways respectful of the the "found-father" coaches!
all the best and keep up the good work on this terrific project JSJ?
Coach Lapchick May 9th Cocktail Reception and Dinner Update:

I am delighted to report that 10 of 12 tables have been sold for our 21 Club event.

If you have made a financial commitment and haven't had the opportunity to send your check in it would be greatly appreciated if you could do so at your earliest convenience.

Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.

It is greatly appreciated.
Are any of you planning to attend this event?

JSJ is working very hard on this event. Should be a great evening

I would have gone but we are going to the last weekend of Jazzfest and will be in New Orleans that week