Kansas St., Sat., Dec. 7, 11:30am, FOX

Pitino needs to recruit a sharpshooter . More than 1 .Dunlap isn’t that guy so far .
Scour Div 2 kids , transfers ,, overseas players , etc.

By the way , Hausen is making Neptune look like he didn’t give him enough PT .at Nova . Seems like Nova missed the boat on him completely .
I think we are seeing glover leap Wilcher on the depth chart. And its the right call. Give the kid some playing time and see how it goes.
Team does not remotely play hard enough or together enough, very poorly coached team; whether it is Pitino or players or both, that is a fact as far as I am concerned. And don’t be fooled by runs, they are talented but I am talking about realizing potential.