He got out worked by a white boy with bad acne and tossed him when he was frustrated. There's no place for that, I'm the only person critical of him. I can say with 100% certainty that you are all wrong about this clown.
I can say with certainty that we are 100% right about this sirvoo clown.
Yes...It's child's play how some of you blindly defend players based on nothing tangible. Then you come at me for actually having some conviction. Your conviction comes from powwowing with numbers like a bunch of teenage girls
These are some of the most illogical/silly posts I've ever read so shame on me for even bothering to respond -- but here goes.
I've read this thread. Other than you, I'm not aware of anybody who has rushed to judgment or "blindly defended" their points. I think most rational posters believe that it is ridiculous to make judgments about Branch (personality or ability) based on a sample size of two games and limited minutes in those games.
You seem to think that posters should defer to your opinions, irrespective of how reckless they may be, b/c you have conviction. Plenty of insane people have conviction -- that does not, however, suggest that their opinions are correct.
I suspect this will fall on deaf ears, but I would advise caution before making detrimental statements about the character and ability of a 19 year old kid.