The buzz is out of our program Coach better get it back fast. or we will be bringing in a replacement We pay to much money to not get us to the dance
I didn't realize we pay Coach Steve anything. If anyone on this board thinks we should be discussing his performance in relation to compensation, it probably should have a separate thread. Me, I don't know what he makes, and never gave it a thought. I would like to see the program start winning on a regular basis.
Yes jrhoops1949 -(and I like the year, 1949, and wasn't Edgar Allen Poe born 1849? and the 49ers?)
Here is the point, my point,
1. let's give Coach Lavin a realistic chance and stop putting rigid formula in place e.g. we have to get to this tournament by this year; it took PJ how many years to get Seton Hall on top?
2. let's reflect on whom would do a better job coaching? is there someone who brings more to the table with recruiting, coaching, positive attention, money, magnetism...He's NOT PERFECT but there's no (available) one better;
3.overall we're headed in the right direction but for a few flukes here and there which many posters are more aware of than I a novice e.g. had Harkless stayed, had Sanchez been eligible and the like;
4. and hey, these problems are positive - with Roberts and Jarvis we would not fret a kid leaving early, we would not fret missing out on a top recruit...we had no "leave early/one and done" recruits; we had no top 100 kids of character even glancing at the program...perspective, Lavin (he's not perfect) brings a lot and no available coach would bring more imho
How many generals did the great and honorable Lincoln hire before he got it right (let's see Burnside, Hooker, Meade, McClennan, Mahoney, Franschila, Jarvis, Roberts) and then hired the ultimately great Grant but not before Ulysses cut his teeth for a few years, and had his losses
let's give Lavin a few more years to cut his teeth and stop putting, again, unrealistic timeframes on the program, we've had more excitement and interest at St. John's since this side of Landing on the a Moon, ohhhh wait, please, wait, before I some pro-Louie person who thinks I'm disparaging our great coach Carnesecca. I'm not.
Let's just give it more time (just a little more time and our love will surely grow - whatever song that was)
all the best
thanks and all the best
I see I'm repeating myself