Fun, are you saying that the super rich should be able to avoid taxation by moving everything offshore? Don't you think they should have to pay taxes to the country that helped them become so successful in the first place?
Not exactly. I was saying first that I like boobies, and second that your 'it's almost as if there are two sets of rules for the rich' was as epiphanic as 'it's almost as if the sun rises in the east.' Because of course there are a different set of rules for the super rich, that's why people go to all the trouble of becoming rich, so that they can play by another set of rules.
Regarding the "super rich" moving everything off shore, that's nonsense. The wealthy avoid paying taxes - to the the extent they do: the top 10 percent of wage earners pay 70 percent of taxes, which is about 30 percent of their annual income - by eschewing income in favor of gain and forming charitable foundations and creating trusts and a whole bunch of other ways permitted by the IRC, which is an abomination. They hire lawyers and accountants from the safety and security of Palm Beach and Malibu, they don't move to third world hamster in a wheel socialist hellholes, except Bebe Rebozo and Marc Rich.
There are exceptions of course. For example organized crime families like the Luccheses and Kennedys ship the proceeds of their criminal enterprises overseas - the Kennedy Family trust is situated in Fiji IIRC - but since their raison d'etre is the circumvention of the law, that's sort of a moot point. Others, like former Nazi collaborator George Soros, are simply evil, and if tax evasion is the worst they do we should consider ourselves lucky, at least he's no longer sending undesirables to Auschwitz, he's just manipulating the world energy market. Phew.
Here's something for you to chew on re the unfairness of it all: Most people most of the time for the whole of history have led brief brutal lives as slaves and serfs and cannon fodder and died savage horrifying deaths. The lucky ones were eaten by rats or wasted away from repulsive diseases; the unlucky ones were impaled, diced, disemboweled, roasted, flayed, boiled, hanged, quartered, or crucified and their corpses violated afterwards. Did you know that when the Huns came upon a child on the side of the road while laying waste to the country side once all of its holes were occupied they would make their own apertures with their daggers and make love to those before finally bashing the victim’s brains out against the side of a tree? Whereas you grew up on Long Island, where that happens rarely, and in such the lap of such luxury that you were able to figure out that life isn't fair, you can't quite suss out to whom.