It's good to see well informed posters finally learning this year what Norm Roberts knew in 2006: you can't win in the BE with freshmen.
As for regressing, regressing from what? Being all stars in high school? They're 6 weeks into their college careers. On a team with a normal roster most of them - Phil Greene around the gills, Sir Dominick Pointless, Gazuntheit Achiewa - would only play garbage time minutes. Because our freshmen, when compared to other team's juniors, stink. They have little or no offensive skills, they can't shoot, and the athleticism that made them above average in HS doesn't carry over to college, where they're competing against bigger, stronger, more mature players. Fortunately they will not be freshmen forever and when they're not they won't stink. That this surprises anyone would surprise me if I weren't so darned jaded.
In November when they slapped down CW Post we learned that this team was one of the top 10 Division III teams in the country. When they slipped by Texas Pan Am we learned that they could be competitive in Division II. When they lose to Syracuse and dOoK by a combined 100 points we'll learn: nothing at all. If you can't enjoy the process take a nap and set your alarm clock for February 2013, which is about the team this group will comprise a basketball team.
this is all very true and as usual funny. the reason some people think we are regressing is because they read all the posts on this forum with regards to recruits. they talk up the players we're recruiting as the next john wall or anthony davis and when they get here they dont there's no resemblance to what they imagined. so your right what are we regressing from? we were'nt very good to begin with