
I do hope he makes it. I think he falls just short of NBA level ability in some areas except heart, and that just may carry him.

It's really impressive to think that last season's roster had 5 players with near NBA level talent. If only Lavin had built a deeper and more balanced roster (including front court players), the core 6 may have carried the squad deep into the NCAA's. So Lavin gets credit for assembling 5/6 very good players and at the same time lambasted for the steep talent fall off and lack of succession beyond them.

GM Beast
I like the "heart" reference; the intangibles; no one knows for sure ahead of time hence some high draft picks never blossom and some lower picks excel - you and other posters can provide examples better than I - but I was thinking about that excellent point guard for the Celtics now on another team (name?)
Wasn't he thought of less than his actual level of play???

all the best

Most thought Sampson would not make it (I NOT included) I think DLO will find a team.
I do hope he makes it. I think he falls just short of NBA level ability in some areas except heart, and that just may carry him.

It's really impressive to think that last season's roster had 5 players with near NBA level talent. If only Lavin had built a deeper and more balanced roster (including front court players), the core 6 may have carried the squad deep into the NCAA's. So Lavin gets credit for assembling 5/6 very good players and at the same time lambasted for the steep talent fall off and lack of succession beyond them.

The staff's strengths and weaknesses in a nutshell.