You guys who come on the site at very tough moments for the team and the fans in order to beat up on a great kid who has given his all to this program just need to shut the f up. We'll all frustrated but dumping yours on this young man? Really? Grow up or shut up and you'll do us all a big favor.
I really don't get posts like yours. I mean, I understand the sentiment, but the reason we heap praise on athletes is based on how well they perform in competitive games. Basketball excites us more than say archery because you are pitted against an opponent. You do well with the highest goal being to win, and you are celebrated. Fail to win, and your opponent is superior. If we give our players accolades, it's for excellence. You want to pin a medal on every kid, including your own and tell them how great they are when they fail to achieve, be my guest.
The purpose of this board isn't to piss on posters, players, or coaches, BUT if we can't objectively discuss their failures AND successes, then what's the point? Everybody gets a trophy?
When a player of Harrison's caliber shoots 3-15 in a tournament game where the entire city is taking notice for 3 days, to you we aren't allowed to be objectively critical. Yes he shot 6-14 in one of our worst blowouts a week earlier, and 7-16 vs. Marquette, but also immediately derailed himself vs. Georgetown with fouls on the first two possessions and finished with 1 point.
Any criticisms of his game stop well short of any personal attacks on this kid. Harrison is far from the only reason we lost today, so it IS unfair to single him out specifically EXCEPT that if he truly is our best player, first team all big east, then guys like him must step up if our team is a winner. If winning isn't important, then give everyone a trophy, and just tell the kids what a great season it's been.
It's not being disrespectful at all, at least on my part. If we hope to win a single post season game in the tournament (NCAA or God forbid the NIT), Harrison must play within himself, let the game come to him, and raise his play to what I know he is capable of, nagging injuries and all. I believe he knows that too.
Now, in a twisted sort of way, I'd maintain that if you refuse to be critical of Harrison's performance, you are disrespecting him. I think he'd have none of it, none of the excuses, no injury crap, no look-where-we'd-be-without-him garbage. The thing that drives him, that made him overcome everything while here, that pushed him to drag himself up every time he got knocked down literally and figuratively, and when literally, not get up and slug a guy, is that he has a huge heart and is fiercely competitive. I don't think for a second he accepts failure in himself, so for his loyal followers to give him a pass for failing is nothing he'd allow for himself. Just a thought.