some highlights from the game
Are there any posters here who don't think this looks absolutely ridiculous as now if you aren't at the games you see what we look at while there ?
No joke I was yelling from 114
At the risk of alienating all the good fans who think this is really anything resembling an issue I think it is absolutely much ado about nothing. Frustration, ADD, nervous habit, whatever - it is nothing. Also, NO ONE, maybe in the history of basketball argued or talked to refs more than Auerbach and Coach K, how did they do? Not remotely putting Mullin there of course but he at least deserves a little time to learn on the job! I guarantee you will all think he is a much better coach when we get legitimate talent.
hope so and fingers crossed and I do think we will markedly better next year with much better talent coming in.
But this sitting on the scorers table has got to stop at some point. It just looks ridiculous and lazy ( and I realize like you ,mentioned in your business sometimes that type of behavior is negotiating tactic and I appreciate that point of view ) but it looks stupid for a coach
And it's not like I'm the type of person that wants to knock a new coach. When Norm got hired I was a ( gulp ) Normie and when Lavin got hired I was a Lavinite. But they didn't even do this
If its like you say some sort of frustration,add or nervous habit this can be easily corrected. Just sit in your damn seat or stand