@Georgetown, Tue., Jan. 28 , 6:30p, FS-1

We are an elite defensive team and Georgetown can’t guard. We are making the quick passes today like Pitino wanted. Our ceiling is through the roof because we were never as bad of a shooting team as we showed earlier. Our offense can continue to grow. Georgetown a deer in the headlights right now.
It is truly something else to see what we do to these teams with our defense.

They literally don’t know what to do. All their action is to get a big man on a guard. But then Zuby and prey can hang with whatever guard they have. They are completely out of ideas
I was helping make dinner and by the time I hit the couch it was 14-3. It was like 6:45. Wow. What a half…so far. That’s what the last 30 years has done to me. Great effort tonight.