Late to the conversation here, but here's my bits. Sad to see Roger Rubin gone, he was a good guy who did solid work going back to his days covering high school sports in NYC. I was always glad to see him out at the ABCD Camps every summer @ Fairleigh Dickerson.
As for the Daily News, I always thought they precipitated the drop in readers when they started to pull back on their coverage of high school sports in the paper. I'm old school & grew up learning about New York sports teams from my father who read the News & often the L.I. Press most nights @ home & every weekend. Once i could read well (News was on 6th grade level LOL) I started reading the paper myself. It was there i discovered Roger Brown, Connie Hawkins, Billy Cunningham etc. Many years later as a NYC Teacher/Dean I always had a News at school & vividly remember Jr. High School & High School students asking to see my News so they could read about sports & local high school
stars. Many students grew tired of waiting to see my paper & soon they were buying their own.
I can remember coaches & gym teachers covering bulletin boards with stories from the paper that mentioned our high school or City-Wide results from big games around the city & beyond. Kids were motivated to buy their own copy of the News & the slow decline of H.S. coverage resulted in kids NOT buying the paper. Now & again they run stories about top players/teams ( Lincoln, CTK, St. Raymond, Boys & Girls, Cardozo etc) but no where near the coverage of back in the day when Bill Travers was the best. So in my eyes, the S L O W decline (death?) of "print" journalism is a self inflicted wound.