First, Dave, you did a great job, so professional, you're John Fanta in the making, maybe better.
Second, I have some insight on Fran, since my niece, (whom I am very close with), dated one of the best players on Fran's excellent Manhattan teams, that helped land him our job. (a) Fran did great things at Manhattan and was a tireless worker, recruiter and coach, but was also a Class-A asshole towards his players, the administration and others, many of whom were not sad to see him go. (Think Bobby Gonzalez-light). (b) Many of his players disliked his demanding, demeaning nature and yelling and screaming all the time. (c) HIs vulgarity caused friction with the good Fathers at Manhattan. (d) It made it clear from the very beginning that Manhattan was a stepping stone. He mentioned being from the tough playgrounds of Brooklyn, and growing up nearby to where he grew up in Brooklyn, I never heard of him, nor him being a playground toughie.
Third, keep in mind Dave was hearing one side of a multi faceted story. You have to take at least some of it with a grain of salt no matter how sincere it sounds. Politicians are not the only ones who "spin". I have no inside information but didn't he pull a very vulgar act telling his players they didn't have "these", pointing at something in the flesh. If so, Ed Manetta going along with his dismissal makes some sense, since Ed Manetta backed Fran even now in Fran's own words.
Last, we have a lot of could haves, would haves and should haves scenarios about, if Fran had stayed. No one knows for sure. His career arc after us wasn't meteoric. Fran leveraging us for more money by interviewing elsewhere (with no apparent interest in the other job) backfired. I have seen that in the corporate world and they do have security bring cardboard boxes and ask the person to leave immediately. As subsequent revelations showed us Harrington was no good and so him being a villain here is fine. My only connection to a SJU President is Father Cahill who taught my class Theology on the Staten Island campus and was a lovely man and a University President during some of our Looie Glory years and so I have a very fond recollection of him. No read on Harrington except what I read in the New York Times. A disaster.
Again, great interview, Dave, kudos.