Donald Trump's Acceptance Speech

Maybe Trump can build an Air Conditioning system for Carnesseca Arena after the wall goes up :)
I was waiting for the pivot to discard the cartoon character he was playing in the primaries and he has done that during this convention. By far not my first choice, but I am gaining confidence that he can actually do this job and do it well. HIs polling numbers vs. independents appears to be very strong, and I thnk his daughters and wife may bring a few women over to his side. One thing Hillary cannot do (among many, including being honest) is be likable.

Quite possibly this could be the hope and change promised 8 years ago that turned out to be a change for the worse.
Rudy frothing at the mouth.
Christie's mob trial.
Ben and Beelzebub.
Cruz's primetime FU.

I was waiting for the pivot to discard the cartoon character he was playing in the primaries and he has done that during this convention. By far not my first choice, but I am gaining confidence that he can actually do this job and do it well. HIs polling numbers vs. independents appears to be very strong, and I thnk his daughters and wife may bring a few women over to his side. One thing Hillary cannot do (among many, including being honest) is be likable.

Quite possibly this could be the hope and change promised 8 years ago that turned out to be a change for the worse.

I was waiting for the pivot to discard the cartoon character he was playing in the primaries and he has done that during this convention. By far not my first choice, but I am gaining confidence that he can actually do this job and do it well. HIs polling numbers vs. independents appears to be very strong, and I thnk his daughters and wife may bring a few women over to his side. One thing Hillary cannot do (among many, including being honest) is be likable.

Quite possibly this could be the hope and change promised 8 years ago that turned out to be a change for the worse.


Did you hear his speech? Whether you are for him or against him, make no mistake that he will be much more formidable than either McCain or Romney was. He has clearly moved the Republican agenda towards the middle and away from the far right, and that will register well independents and moderates.
He held a press conference today today to further infer Ted Cruz's father was a friend of Lee Harvey Oswald. No he is not stable.
We have a candidate running for office who can not pass a basic background test.
He held a press conference today today to further infer Ted Cruz's father was a friend of Lee Harvey Oswald. No he is not stable.
Maybe he was the second shooter on the grassy knoll. A vote for Hillary is a vote for ISIS.
This is not the place for politics, But it is for speaking out against racism and racists. Trump is a racist. Check the videotape. And it behooves all of us and all hoops fans to denounce racism and racists. That, plus the clear data that show Trump is woefully unqualified to be POTUS. Would be a disaster for the country. (Yeah, I injected 'politics' at the end of the day. My excuse and apologia is my view that this election is the most important this country will experience since 1932.) That's it. Thanks.
How is it that someone who has Al Sharpton visit him at the White House over 50 times, Says Black Lives Matter "is a great movement", waits for days until the rioting in Ferguson has stopped before meekly saying the rioting should stop. ect. ext.ect. How is it that Obama is not considered a racist?