Do we still have a chance -- NCAA Tourney?

I am very happy that it appears I was absolutely and totally wrong.

#6 seed?

I had the team headed to the NIT after the poor Big East start. That is why I have never won in Vegas. I am better at predicting the weather.

Get your dancing shoes out.
If you don't own a pair, may I suggest:

Are you hoping, and trying to stay positive?
Or do you actually think this team is going to make the tournament?

I'm saying we are going to be doing so much dancing in March, you are going to change your name to Disco80.

If we dance, I'll buy those Dorothy shoes and take pictures in them.
If we dont, then you owe me beers after they announce the new coach's hire and the end of the Lavin-era.

What do you say? Let's make it interesting



Gotta give you credit. You are backing up your talk. What makes you so optimistic that this team with several limitations can overcome a lack of discipline and a banged up Harrison to basically run the table of remaining winnable games?

Some people have false hope, which is good to have i guess

False hopes, kool aid drinker, pom poms, troll, Lavin Lover, unrealistic, crack smoker, no all of that for four months. My karma goes down -3 with every positive post and would be far worse if not for a few kind posters. My pms are full of hateful messages...all for just believing in this team. Even many of the normally positive posters turned on me.

Maybe going forward we can just let things play out instead of assuming the worst. How much more fun would this season have been without all the negativity and hate?

How about all the local fans who stayed home because they ranted on and on about how this team wasn't worth the price of admission actually show up in force and gave us a true home court advantage.