@DePaul, Wed., Feb. 19, 9p, FS-1

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RJ doesn't need any minutes as long as the other guys step up. More important that RJ is 100% for Sunday instead of gutting it out today and coming in at 75% on Sunday.
There was a point in time when some guy sitting on the wooden bleachers in the end zone at Alumni Hall used to hold up a sign that read "Mahoney Must Go."

That guy was me. Obviously they did in fact let him go, at least as a coach. Now he sits not far from me in the stands.

Yes, great guy. It's possible he was a worse coach than Norm. I'd have to think about that - except I don't want to think about it.
My opinion is any one of my wife's cats would have been a better head coach than Norm and there's no thinking on my part :)
Tom Delonge Wtf GIF
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