@Creighton, Tue., Dec. 31, 4p, PEACOCK

Simply can’t win like this verse decent teams period. They are too well coached to let us speed up the game and we are lost in half court
Creighton executing the drive a kick for 3 for years now under McDermott. Killer stuff
Not a bad loss resume wise IMO, but a bad loss in that we came out and had the good start and have since gotten out toughed, outplayed and really outcoached too
I had a bad feeling once we didn't turn our 11-point lead to 17 or 18. Make it more of a tougher hill to climb even if Creighton somehow got the lead to 5 or 6.

We blew opportunities to extend the lead.
Forget about our so called depth. In this game you would be hard pressed to find three guys playing well. Still possible to come back but time is running out. Our D STINKS.