Coaching Carousel

Xavier should try to sneak in under both Minnesota and West Virginia and offer Medved the job.

Short flight to his family in Minnesota and 300 miles from wife's family in West Virginia.
Starting to think Willard does have a deal in place with Villanova with how Maryland is playing right now. His last SHU team no showed an 8/9 game vs TCU when he knew he was out the door to Maryland and it looked like he wanted nothing to do with elongating that season
Cheated his balls off at WKU to have the best talent in that league by a decent margin most years but couldn’t accomplish anything with that talent. Now that everybody is on even playing field in regards to accruing talent I don’t know why they’d expect him to win
Did finish 2nd or better in 4/7 years. Maybe upper echelon talent in new Moutian West is enough for unlv to get excited.