Otis, I was more fortunate that most with regard to my total debt for a college education at SJU. MY grandfather, who by they way was born in 1898 had a college eduction if you can believe that for that time, had provided for my brother and I, $1000 per year for our education. Now that may not sound like a whole lot of money when you compare it to today's cost for a college eduction, but my total tuition in my senior year was $2000. excluding books and supplies. As a consequence, I took out a $4000 student loan for the balance of my four year education, which I was able to pay off over a 10 year period. I graduated SJU in 1972! CRAZY ISN'T IT!!!!!
Please let me respond to your above post..
Your experience of graduating with little or no student loan debt is similar to most of the St.John's grads of your era. Many St.John's students of that time period were able to pay all or substantially all of their tuition with summer jobs and by working part-time jobs during the academic year. Unfortunately summer jobs and part time employment (of a legal nature) will no longer even come close to covering a students expenses to attend St.John's today.
The economics of attending St.John's has changed over the past 40 years since you graduated. Few of the students graduate without substantial student debt. IMO today's financial realities call into question the morality of accepting student with sub 1000 SAT scores if those students are unable to cope with the rigor of college. Likewise students with 1300+ SATs will get merit money to attend schools with higher rankings.
Lets look at the numbers.
Base tuition for St.John's University this academic year is $35,520. The College Board estimates that the cost for a St. John's student that lives at home (a commuter) for the 2012 academic year is $42,219. Compare those numbers to the $2 to 4K that you paid for tuition your senior year.
St.John's provides seemingly generous financial aid [see footnote #1]. The average 1st year financial aid package is $27,045 but note that approximately half of that sum is in the form or loans that the student is required to repay. The average indebtedness of a St.john's graduate is reported by The College Board to be $29,199.
An alarming 41% of the students that select and enroll in St. John's University fail to graduate within 6 years. Although some may eventually graduate after 6 years it should be clear that the St.John's business model places a lifetime burden of repay of student loans on the many- many students that enroll at St.John's with loans and quit for whatever reason without a degree.
Given those financial realities the St.John's community is IMO not unreasonable to be outraged regarding issues relating to the lack of focus and sense of entitlement which arise regarding "Chang-gate", Harrington and Wiles.
I am unaware of any well respected college that has such a low 6 year graduation rate. Is St.John's accepting students that are not equipped for college? If so, the warm fuzzy stories about the opportunities St.John's provides must be balanced by the damage to those that were permitted to enroll and accumulate debt but lacked the skills to succeed in college.
Please also note that when you enrolled into college in 1968 there were less well know alternative to St.John's. The SUNY system was merely 20 years old and most if not all of the institutions that make up the SUNY system today were not what they are today.
Also, although I lack any statistical facts to confirm my belief, I believe that St.John's in 1972 when you graduated was considered to be a substantially better academic school and better "bang for the buck" than it is in 2013.
The point that I have attempted to make in this and other threads that are critical to Harrington is that with proper leadership St.John's could be a more efficient and better institution with an enhanced academic profile. Seemingly Hsrrington snf hid posse have set low goals for the University that we have strong feelings for and unfortunately he has failed o meet those low expectations
footnote #1
For those that believe that St.John's financial aid is more generous than other "Catholic Colleges" please consider that average financial aid package of $27,045 is consistent, or less than other "Catholic Colleges"
-- Villanova average 1st year financial aid package is $27,851
-- Providence College average 1st year financial aid package is $28,357
-- Georgetown average 1st year financial aid package is $32,019
-- Fairfield University average 1st year financial aid package is $27,725
-- Fordham University average 1st year financial aid package is $27,856
-- Notre Dame average 1st year financial aid package is $35,326
-- Holy Cross average 1st year financial aid package is $$33,492
[Source: The College Board]