I finally set aside some time to read this article. This should be required reading for any St. John's student or alum. While I thought that some of the posters here calling for Harrington's head were just spouting off without basis, there is no question the Harrington and Wile are CRIMINALLY complicit, not ignorant dupes as Harrington professes.
How could anyone accept credit card bill in Chinese characters, with NO RECEIPTS? Nobody is that stupid, NOBODY. 30 years and no one questions who these anonymous donors providing "gifts" that are part of the asian culture? Again, NO ONE is that stupid, no less a University Presidnet who fancies himself a CEO.
In testimony, HArrington feigns being just a Brooklyn guy, who didn't know how to turn out the envelopes with a few thousand in cash, and then instead of logging them and turning the money over to University coffers or the Vincentians for charitable distirubtion, somehow can't account for the "5 or 6 envelopes" given to him over 30 years? Yea, right. My guess is the money came more frequently and in larger numbers. Just enough to satisfy the avarice of a greedy priest, and allow Chang to continue to steal like crazy.
What business does a priest who has taken a vow of poverty have to do with a real estate proposition in NJ with Wile? Where did a priest, with a vow of poverty, get the money necessary to guy a $660,000 home and then finance the building of a home that sold for $1.4 million?
What did Wile do to curry Harrington's favor, other than being young and handsome? How did Wile mysteriously find that he could also did his finger into the well for expensive wine, gifts, dinners and vacations?
Interesting that Chang offered to Harrington that they should offer honorary degrees to wealthy people, and then cancel them if they rebuffed advances to donate large sums to the school. See below:
On April 2, 2009, a despairing Chang e-mailed Harrington to suggest a new approach: What if they confirmed a date for the conferment ceremony and then in coming months “provide[d] with the opportunity to contribute”? If the proposed degree recipient balked, she wrote, “we will give him an excuse for canceling [the ceremony].” Harrington e-mailed the following day that he was “very interested,” but needed to speak to the board. -
Harrington claims he never wore the expensive watches, yet somehow his watch broke, and instead of having it repaired himself, gave it back to chang to get repaired for $1600.
It makes you wonder if all the BOT appointments were trades - cash for authority.
How did Harrington and Wile avoid criminal investigation and prosecution? Just think that some of the most powerful people in NYC, including Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, are closely connected to St Johns. Harrington has run the guantlet avoiding criminal prosecution with the benefit of some of the smartest businesspeople and attorneys on the BOT.
Chang was a criminal, cunning woman, plain and simple. When her spending began outstripping what she brought in, her usefulness to Harrington and the University were finished. Her mistake was thinking all the illicit gifts, all the relationships, everything she KNEW, and maybe even more scandalous stuff, would keep Harrington from ever turning on her. She was wrong, and Harrington turned on her, like a mobster rubbing out his closest partner in crime. Like Marilyn Monroe killing herself a half century before, before she becmae a huge problem for JFK, Chang did Harrington and Wile a big favor, taking her allegations and truth to the grave. She was outsmarted by the not-so-dumb Harrington and she knew it.
Of course the vincentian leadership is engaging in what the Catholic Church purports to detest immensely - moral relativism. Harrington's net effect financially on St John's is almost half a billion dollars in its coffers, and perhaps a couple of hundred million more in university improvements. So what if he pocketed some chump change along the way. That's the way the world works, isn't it?
The hiring of Wile, at the time 20, and subseuqent elevation at 24 to chief of staff, smells disgustingly like the scandals that rocked the Catholic Church.