Carnesecca Arena Design

The fake seatbacks are not worse than the previous seating. They are way worse. Whoever thought that was a good idea needs to admit they made a mistake, and they need to be removed. Proper seatbacks cannot be installed without major renovations as each row would need to be widened. Everything is concrete right now so that is close to a complete demolishment of two thirds of the arena. And it would also reduce capacity. With MSG and other arenas in play the cost/benefit is hard for me to envision.

On the other hand the cost to remove the current fake seatbacks would be very low. And installing them actually reduced capacity slightly, so now that CA is selling out again the payoff to doing it would be immediate. As far as the thought that these ill conceived devices were installed to quiet complaining customers, they are complaining more now. Others can disagree with me if they know otherwise, but I can't find anyone in my entire section (8) who doesn't hate them.
Make them all long benches again but put nice red cushiony airy padding with lines on them with seat numbers for my fat again ass. Preferable with some sort of gas neutralizer for whenever our 114 crew farts. That gives middle and lower people more legroom and more seating overall and pleasant nice experience for everyone