Thxgiving day at the Marillac family houseI remember a bunch of us heckling Darius Rice of Miami back in the day and he couldn’t escape us. We went back and forth all game. It’s a massive advantage when things are rolling. It was like yelling at my sister in the kitchen at Thanksgiving from the couch. That’s how close it was.
Marillac " stop over dribbling that gravy on my mashed potatoes ! "
Sister Marillac " go back to Kentucky ! "
Marillac " you have cousin John in front of you and you still think you can see the turkey in the oven let someone else take a look to see if it's done how many thanksgivings turkeys are you going to burn Jenkins ? "
Sister Marillac " Jenkins ? Have you been messaging with your internet friends again ? "
Marillac " you need to know your limitations as a cook "