Brady Dunlap: Does He Have the Wright Stuff?

Larry Wright

Well-known member
I expect both Wilcher and Dunlap to get a fair amount of PT. Both seem to be hard workers with some skills.
30 games
41% fg
35% 3pt
80% ft
4.6 ppg
1.6 reb
0.8 asst

25 games
38% fg
31% 3pt
41% ft
3.2 ppg
1.5 reb
0.2 asst

First stats were Fred Lyson Frosh stats
2nd were Dunlap last year

Lyson had better stats but was subsequently recruited over and played far less the next two years before he got hurt.
30 games
41% fg
35% 3pt
80% ft
4.6 ppg
1.6 reb
0.8 asst

25 games
38% fg
31% 3pt
41% ft
3.2 ppg
1.5 reb
0.2 asst

First stats were Fred Lyson Frosh stats
2nd were Dunlap last year

Lyson had better stats but was subsequently recruited over and played far less the next two years before he got hurt.
Better coaching.
Pitino didn’t have a great year last year and Mahoney that season was great but you can’t possibly blame Rick for Dunlap’s poor season. Rick is a great coach and if even he couldn’t get Dunlap going…..
…….then it’s Sergio Luyk redux.
Pitino didn’t have a great year last year and Mahoney that season was great but you can’t possibly blame Rick for Dunlap’s poor season. Rick is a great coach and if even he couldn’t get Dunlap going…..
You act like freshmen don’t frequently improve by leaps and bounds.

There has never been a time in the history of college basketball when it was harder to be a freshman than last season.
Regarding Dunlap, the talent and drive to be great is there. I think the kid lost his confidence and wasn't able to break out. My take is that he doesn't need to work harder, or even get much stronger. He just needs to regain confidence. He could be an outstanding player, but my advice would be (as the Eagles said) "don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy".

Just my opinion.
Lazy post.
This board wildly overrates everyone then turns on them when they don’t reach their expectations. On my time on these boards the only players I truly disliked were Geno and Mase jr.

Jenkins was a good player just thought was not nearly good enough to have the ball 75% of the time and I think that was a big reason we struggled and Soriano and Dingle’s issues.

Dunlap to me based off what I saw is a fringe player and actually reminds me of Lyson. I liked Lyson btw. Nothing wrong with being 9th or 10th man on a good team but the way some here talk him up I have no idea what that is based on.
Look at his high school performance videos and performance for a California State championship title and you will why he was heavily recruited. You right him off too easily. Most people on this site recognize his talent, you do not. Time will tell who is right- the majority or you.
Look at his high school performance videos and performance for a California State championship title and you will why he was heavily recruited. You right him off too easily. Most people on this site recognize his talent, you do not. Time will tell who is right- the majority or you.
I like Fred but playing at Oceanside and not making it past the county finals is worlds away from the level Dunlap played at.

Is it possible LW is correct? Sure, but Dunlap is starting from a much higher floor.
I like Fred but playing at Oceanside and not making it past the county finals is worlds away from the level Dunlap played at.

Is it possible LW is correct? Sure, but Dunlap is starting from a much higher floor.
I am due to be wrong about a ST John’s player. David Cain was what 30 years ago?
30 games
41% fg
35% 3pt
80% ft
4.6 ppg
1.6 reb
0.8 asst

25 games
38% fg
31% 3pt
41% ft
3.2 ppg
1.5 reb
0.2 asst

First stats were Fred Lyson Frosh stats
2nd were Dunlap last year

Lyson had better stats but was subsequently recruited over and played far less the next two years before he got hurt.

So Larry for the sake of completeness we should probably find the freshman stats for every tall white kid who could shoot some and see what their career arcs were, instead of cherry picking one who happened to play for SJU 30 years ago.

Or maybe even tall white kids who could shoot some who played for Pitino. But "I saw Fred Lyson play for St John's so Dunlap will be Fred Lyson" is -as you would say- a lazy post.

Your take of "I don't see anything in him or his game that leads me to believe he will improve and I've been watching basketball for 40 years" is totally legit. I think he has room for improvement and will improve, but the only way to know will be to watch and wait and see. He could definitely go in either direction
So Larry for the sake of completeness we should probably find the freshman stats for every tall white kid who could shoot some and see what their career arcs were, instead of cherry picking one who happened to play for SJU 30 years ago.

Or maybe even tall white kids who could shoot some who played for Pitino. But "I saw Fred Lyson play for St John's so Dunlap will be Fred Lyson" is -as you would say- a lazy post.

Your take of "I don't see anything in him or his game that leads me to believe he will improve and I've been watching basketball for 40 years" is totally legit. I think he has room for improvement and will improve, but the only way to know will be to watch and wait and see. He could definitely go in either direction
See the “white” thing is the elephant in the room that everyone is ignoring but to me seems to be the driving force behind the Dunlap band wagon. Not every white Kid can shoot and not every white kind is going to be Chris Mullin.

And btw Chris Mullin was great as a Frosh for all those who think becoming a sophomore magically makes you not stink. In fact someone name a kid that became a good player who absolutely stunk as a Frosh because Dunlap did stink and became as good as people expect Dunlap to me.

Other than David Cain.
See the “white” thing is the elephant in the room that everyone is ignoring but to me seems to be the driving force behind the Dunlap band wagon. Not every white Kid can shoot and not every white kind is going to be Chris Mullin.

And btw Chris Mullin was great as a Frosh for all those who think becoming a sophomore magically makes you not stink. In fact someone name a kid that became a good player who absolutely stunk as a Frosh because Dunlap did stink and became as good as people expect Dunlap to me.

Other than David Cain.
Freshmen numbers

12.4 minutes
3.2 points
1.5 rebs
.2 assists
38% FG

12.7 minutes
4.0 points
1.1 rebs
.5 assists
37% FG

Now you did shoot 43% from 3 so major credit there
See the “white” thing is the elephant in the room that everyone is ignoring but to me seems to be the driving force behind the Dunlap band wagon. Not every white Kid can shoot and not every white kind is going to be Chris Mullin.

And btw Chris Mullin was great as a Frosh for all those who think becoming a sophomore magically makes you not stink. In fact someone name a kid that became a good player who absolutely stunk as a Frosh because Dunlap did stink and became as good as people expect Dunlap to me.

Other than David Cain.
This has nothing to do with skin color. Chris Mullin joined a veteran Big East team with David Russell, Billy Goodwin, Kevin Williams, Jeff Allen, and Bobby Kelly, where everyone knew their roles. Big difference from the team that Brady Dunlap joined last year.

I have no idea how good Brady will end up being as his career progresses. I trust in Pitino and his staff's ability in player development and Brady's work ethic. To even contemplate writing him off after one season is nonsensical.
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This has nothing to do with skin color. Chris Mullin joined a veteran Big East team with David Russell, Billy Goodwin, Kevin Williams, Jeff Allen, and Bobby Kelly, where everyone knew their roles. Big difference from the team that Brady Dunlap joined last year.

I have no idea how good Brady will end up being as his career progresses. I trust in Pitino and his staff's ability in player development and Brady's work ethic. To even contemplate writing him off after one season is nonsensical.
No one wrote him off just don’t see the progress most on here are banking on.

So you are saying that if you transported Dunlap back in time on that team he would have had similar stats as Mullin. Cause that seems to be the implication. I always respected you as a Poster but if you are implying that, that is the posting equivalent of Willie Mays stumbling around in the outfield for the Mets.

Btw went to a game as a little kid to see Mullin and Russell became my favorite player and started the painful journey that is being a ST John’s fan.