Kenny Mac
Billy Laswrence
Reggie carter
Bernard Rencher
Ron Rowan
Where did Kenny Mac transfer from? He was a three year starter, so he must have transferred after freshman year.
Billy Lawrence wasn't a transfer either, he just dropped out because of grades.
I was surprised to see Kenny Mac's name as well, Section9, since I know he played all three years of eligibility at St. John's. The poster who mentioned him said he transferred from UNC, which was news to me.
If he did, in fact, transfer to St. John's during or after his freshman year, then my top three would be Kenny Mac, Reggie Carter and Kevin Loughery, and I think all three deserve to have their jerseys hanging from the CA rafters.
As for Billy Lawrence, he was my freshman year's equivalent of the mystery recruit -- except there was no mystery, just a widespread rumor on campus that Billy Lawrence would be joining the team. But, as you noted, he never did.