I figured that judgement stuff would get under your skin and as usual I was correct. As opposed to this vicious personal attack upon my skin and by a moderator no less, which skin it didn't get under. Oh no, while faced I made a typo and then I git [sec] [sic] a call back from a post from several weeks ago. Good job, you're winning!
Speaking of winning!:
"A couple of years ago during the off-season [lawmanfan] created a March Madness type bracket on [redman] that pitted poster against poster in a contest relative to their rhetorical skills and basketball knowledge. Your humble narrator went out in the first round. (Which perhaps explains my bitterness.) Whereas LMF, being a modest sort, had himself losing a tough one in the [final four] to the eventual [winner]. This despite the fact that he's an alleged lawyer who can't spell judgement. As opposed to me, a dedicated Onanist not being able to spell Ursula."
And so another season in the books, it being early March before Selection Sunday, on which Sunday St John’s fans will anxiously await the announcement of the NIT bracket, because another SJU season…
Best posters
Honorable mention
Any of several marillacs
best nacent poster
Worst posters
all the rest of you.
no offense.