Legendary New York City radio host Bernard McGuirk has died at the age of 64 following a “courageous” battle with prostate cancer, his station announced Thursday. McGuirk — who ho…
The Post article has it right. For men, as most of our readers are, you should be getting a simple blood test every year from age 40 on. Results are an early indicator of potential prostate cancer. There are many treatments available to eliminate this treat to health/life. I know because I was so diagnosed 15 years ago and dealt with it. I am cancer free thanks to that treatment.
Bernie could be hilarious Imus with his impressions of Cardinal O'Conor etc. May he rest in peace. Prostate cancer is a killer if you catch it way too late. It can be very treatable if you catch it very early, like I did.
It is a bit ironic that Bernie had prostate cancer, because his boss for many years had it too and treated it holistically, and with Active surveillance, but I think in the end it did Imus in too.