Baruch Game

The candy situation really sucks. I would normally take my son to the game but he goes trick a treating with his friends on Haloween. Now I have to pay for the M and M's if I want to kill my body.
Yeah but you can go to rite aid 3 days after halloween and get all halloween candy you want for 75% off :)
After their exhibition Monday vs. Baruch St. John's plays @dhurley15 's loaded Rhody squad in a 'Secret Scrimmage' next wknd.test for both.
After their exhibition Monday vs. Baruch St. John's plays @dhurley15 's loaded Rhody squad in a 'Secret Scrimmage' next wknd.test for both.

That's about as much a secret as which staff member Zach gets his info from :)
And one more connection - Assistant coach Jimmy Barrett has been to a few games on Union/Utopia especially during the Rob Werdann years. Connection?
I used to look forward to the first exhibition game way back to when Chucky Sproling was lighting up Marathon Oil.

Now I'm just praying we don't get on ESPN's homepage around 9:15 tomorrow night.
John's will host top junior target Moses Brown tonight #sjubb Per Zach B
I am starting to get a little nervous. Can't get the STAC game out of my head.
Wait a sec, I thought it didn't start until, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh I see what you did there.