Have been reading threads on some of the perennial top schools forums. Particularly UK, it's amazing how blind fandom can make you delusional. These dudes are all about Kansas and Duke being dirty, but Cal is such a great salesman that he doesn't need to stoop to that level. It's pretty wild, ha. This stuff is fascinating.
Coach Calamari is the leader of the pack. He's the Teflon Don. His Kentucky backers, from private donors to politicians , are his posse. The NBA uses him as collegiate D LEAGUE source and he now holds NBA combines. NOT ONE of his players are there to be students. They take hand picked basket weaving courses designed to keep them eligible. They live in a luxury dorm with a private chef. They are the dirtiest program in America and, according to the NCA $A, it is all legal and on the up and up. They make Don Corleone's olive business look amateurish.
Damn that is one nice set-up for a 20 year old kid. I can just imagine them holding some kind of sham lottery to get the 50% average students needed to fill the building. More chicanery involved with that as well.
Although, I must say my son went to Penn State and his digs were not bad. Off campus housing in place called the Retreat. Private bedroom, bathroom, had a common swimming pool, sauna and game-room etc. Understand that times have changed from the old dorm room misery. Of course, I went to a professional certification (business related) at Boston University a couple of years ago. Stayed in campus housing (for a week), no TV, shared shower for 4in a room. Oh man, I stayed at the bar every night. Boston is a great city but it was torture. On my way out I ran into some young kids and told them about the Penn State (off campus) housing and I blew their minds. I think I had them set to transfer.
Sounds very familiar. My son just graduated from Purdue. His last 2 years, he lived in a frat house. The year before, he lived in a single room in a brand new dorm. Complete with private bathroom, cable tv and once a week maid service. Not to mention a dining hall across the street with everything from steak to sushi offered. Plus a brand new student athletic center that was like no other gym that you have ever seen. Hundreds of treadmills and other equipment, pools and a climbing wall. He was living well!