April 01, 2022

Fresh start

There are definitely some things to work through but a few notes:

  1. There were two migrations completed overnight. One migrated the existing live redmen.com forum. The other migrated two old archives with posts and other data going back to 1999. In the first migration we were not able to migrate over Private messages. This new system has a very powerful and updated forum and private messaging system. But we did not have an easy path to migrate. We also could not import user avatars and other photos you may have had on your redmen.com profile. These things are not lost. You can still access them and if you like, update your profile and your fancy new account. But strange enough some of the second migration (the older data) we were able to import some of those things. So you may have some private messages in your account now going back many years. And some of the accounts got their avatar updated but from their very old version.
  2. I will be leaving parts of redmen.com functioning for a little while in order to help everyone migrate and to give everyone time to clear out private messages and collect old avatars or pictures.
  3. Some of the old archives are currently visible to all members. Have fun with that. Some older forum archives and in that migration ( some posts and private messages from 1999-2011) some of the old avatars are private messages were imported.
  4. I believe all of your accounts were also merged properly. So your past redmen.com self and your account as it was yesterday - here now and moving forward.
  5. The Rookie Forum still lives. But we have a different approach. Rookies can now post in the main Fan forum but noobs can still have a place to be noob... Moderation has some new elements and if people don't behave they will be banned. New processes and standards forthcoming. For now -play nice.
  6. Everyone will need to reset their password on the new forum. As long as your email was valid, this should be no problem. If it wasn't valid, contact me and we'll fix it.
  7. IMPORTANT: no more user handles. Your username is your handle. Whatever your username is, that is your handle. For anyone that had a username that was different than their handle/display name, you can change your username in your account.
  8. IMPORTANT: For anyone whose username was your email address I had to substitute a random username for you. You should definitely change your username in these case because the ones that I gave you are super lame and people will feel sorry for you for representing so poorly... ;)
  9. There will be ongoing updates and tweak over the next few days. I encourage anyone who needs help to contact me directly. I will also be publishing some tutorials on new features like using the forum as an app on your phone and https://red.fans

I know there are some issues to work through and new features to absorb. And oh yea, I hope you enjoyed my April Fools message.
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Good luck with that! I remember my boss had one of those in the 80s. He thought he was so cool lugging around his 30lb phone.
Paul (and all the mods/administrators),

Thanks again for your time and passion in making this community possible. I can't imagine the work that has gone into the upgrade (and the headaches of walking us all through the transition). It is very much appreciated...

Of course, words are cheap – technology isn't! Is the "donate" link on the old site still active or should we wait for a new link on this version?

Once again, many thanks for your work here.
Paul (and all the mods/administrators),

Thanks again for your time and passion in making this community possible. I can't imagine the work that has gone into the upgrade (and the headaches of walking us all through the transition). It is very much appreciated...

Of course, words are cheap – technology isn't! Is the "donate" link on the old site still active or should we wait for a new link on this version?

Once again, many thanks for your work here.
everything on the old site works with the exception of the forum which now redirects here. The donorbox goes through https://donorbox.org/redmen-com
Why wasn't I informed of these changes before it happened? LOL Just kidding! Good job, Paul and thank you again for all you do for us.
It's me again.
Except I'm called MainMan2. I had to re-register because my original Juno email hasn't been accessed since 1998.
Nothing has changed though.
I still have an uncanny knowledge of the Mahoney years because I thought they were going to win a national championship in Year 4 with a backcourt of Tarik and Felipe and a frontline of Zendon, McLeod and Minlend.
I'm still suffering PTSD from the era.
Speaking of which, do we have a support thread?
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It's me again.
Except I'm called MainMan2. I had to re-register because my original Juno email hasn't been accessed since 1998.
Nothing has changed though.
I still have an uncanny knowledge of the Mahoney years because I thought they were going to win a national championship in Year 4 with a backcourt of Tarik and Felipe and a frontline of Zendon, McLeod and Minlend.
I'm still suffering PTSD from the era.
Speaking of which, do we have a support thread?
When I play the 100 year anniversary of trivial pursuit when the question comes who is the one person who had a Juno email account I’m definitely winning
Yes, but redmen.fans has more girth. And as someone who officially turned old this morning it's gonna take me some time to figure this stuff out.
You're just mad you are now 3 times the age of your redmen.com tee shirt :)
Paul- small thing, but seems if you start a reply to a post but decide not to post the reply....even if you go out to and come back to that thread it keeps where you left off.
Paul- small thing, but seems if you start a reply to a post but decide not to post the reply....even if you go out to and come back to that thread it keeps where you left off.
It auto saves a draft. You see the icon that looks like a floppy disk? click the little down pointing carat and you can save or delete it. This will be particularly useful for those members that enjoy composing extremely lengthy posts.