Alas, Otis, I am a ludite, I assume. I am the only person in the western hemisphere who does not have an iphone and a data plan. I'm an old schooler who uses his phone only for making calls. Sorry I won't be able to give personal reports from the game. I'm sure some of the other posters here will, though.
OK, OK... but you must provide a next day post game report from your computer at home.
Let hope for a win. Thanks.
O.K. here's my report (and I'm still in Florida. Be back tomorrow for the Nova game).
WE NEED MORE BODIES!!!!! These poor guys looked very tired out there. I don't understand why we don't use any of our bench just to spell these guys for just a minute or so. Our stratagy seems to keep passing the ball around the outside to kill some clock so the game isn't so long for the guys playing. Why not put some of the WO's out there just to give some of our guys a rest for 30 seconds or so? They kept missing shots because they were too tired. The shots were a little short or a little to strong. It takes strength to have control. These guys are just plum tuckered out!! We need help and we need it quick.
My friend John walked up to the box office 2 hours before the game and bought courtside (rowA!) center court seats! The place was mostly empty and it was suprising to see that there were a lot of St. John's fans there. A lot of locals still support us. The Bulls mascot came over and knocked my Redmen hat off my head.
BTW, Otis, I met oldfan61 last night. Truly a fine gentleman!