I have a few thoughts on these BE FIST TEAM AND SECOND TEAM SELECTIONS..
These are my comments, representing my opinions, to which I'm entitled. Those differing, especially the crowd that only resorts to personal venom, they can't help themselves, please keep your comments to yourself.
i never single out a individual poster to scorn or ridicule, unlike many here who are boorish and ill mannered. WE ALL KNOW THEIR NAMES.
honest disagreement is fine, personal gutter sniping is not.
THE HOMERS AND KOOL AID DRINKERS all think they are the only opinions that matter.. MAYBE ON THIS Board, it is true...They seek approval from their like minded and usually get to the insult level rather quickly.
Obviously,many here are as bored by my comments as I AM OF YOURS. BUT, LET'S BE CIVIL OK?
Anyway, HERE GOES;
1. Pointer deserves first team recognition, over DLO in my opinion. Harrison, hobbled by his injuries, got the nod, mainly on past performance. Second team for DLO and move DOM TO FIRST..
2. Posters moaning that the Coaches should not pick the All Star Team are puzzling. Who should then? REDMEN.COM posters? Other school fans? The Media? THe referees?
No, in this case, the COACHES DO KNOW BEST. Does that guarantee a perfect selected team? No, but it is still the best mechanism.
3. Some have posted that Ryan A and Kellem were selected because they are White? And, that the COACHES were biased in picking them? Really? The BE has 3 African American Coaches. If polled separately, I would bet all 3 voted for these 2 kids.
4. ARCHIE D , for those who know BB, is a Premier PG on the best team in the conference. To coin a phrase, for the CATS, he is the straw that stirs the drink. Enough said! If we had him, he would be our most VAluable Player, without a doubt. We have not had a quality PG in so long, we've forgotten what one looks like. He is the real deal. And, believe it or not, even Lavin thinks so..
Kellem, for those who have forgotten, almost beat us single handed at CA EARLY IN THE YEAR.a deadly shooter..
5.COY ? Well surprise. IT IS not Lavin. Some have advanced him as a candidate weeks ago, for what/ FINISHING 5TH ? It will likely be Jay Wright but, the Butler Coach deserves serious consideration..
I remember many here posting that Butler was a poor choice for the new BE Conference.. They had a remarkable year when many thought they would be challenging De Paul or Creighton for bottom dweller status.They are a legit top 25 team..
A final comment.. For those who are PREMATURELY celebrating our making the tournament, consider this..
What if PC beats us by 25 and Xavier wins the BE tournament, not likely but, possible. How many think the NCAA SELECTION team WOULD STILL PICK US? tHINK ABOUT IT..
Nova, G'town, Butler and PC are locks.. We are the 5th team hopefully..
BUT, if a 6th or below team wins the TOURNEY, DO WE STILL GET SELECTED? Think 6 teams get in? I DON'T.