2025 Portal

The NCAA portal “timing” is absolutely insane. I was just watching a podcast that mentions the portal “opening” in March. They were talking about the Boozer twins “flipping” to Miami after the Assistant from Duke announced he took the Miami job. The new Coach from Miami is leaving Duke after the end of the “regular season” Sunday to begin the portal process.

So it’s possible you can have guys “portalling” while their teams are in the Tournament? This sounds like the QB from Penn State who left right before the playoffs? I mean the Tournament doesn’t end till April. I assume Rick will have staff doing double duty keeping in touch with guys he likes? Crazy…
The NCAA portal “timing” is absolutely insane. I was just watching a podcast that mentions the portal “opening” in March. They were talking about the Boozer twins “flipping” to Miami after the Assistant from Duke announced he took the Miami job. The new Coach from Miami is leaving Duke after the end of the “regular season” Sunday to begin the portal process.

So it’s possible you can have guys “portalling” while their teams are in the Tournament? This sounds like the QB from Penn State who left right before the playoffs? I mean the Tournament doesn’t end till April. I assume Rick will have staff doing double duty keeping in touch with guys he likes? Crazy…
it's stupid. Portal should start couple days after NCAA tournament ends. Thank God we have Matt working the portal like Star Trek