I am from the school of “one game at a time.” Play that game and move on to the next. Don’t worry about who is on the horizon, worry about the one who is right in front of you. That is how you avoid “trap games”
While not a player, as a fan, I will focus my energy on the next game, not who we play on Friday or the one after that or the one after that, whomever that is.
I could care less about the spread or Ken Pom or whatever metrics there are. Just take care of business and business will take care of itself.
Reading this Site, every game this year (or just about) has been a “must win game” which is beyond ludicrous (and I don’t mean the rapper). Tuesday night an important game? Sure as winning keeps you in sole possession of first place, gives you a two game lead and you hold serve with a win. But a must win? Does it knock us out of first place? Does it eliminate an opportunity to go the Dance? The answer to those two questions is no. It doesn’t even knock us out of the top 25, probably not even the top 20.
Enjoy the ride folks and stop dissecting and over analyzing everything.