Moose, sounds like you are still unhappy with Lavin.
I don't like all the surrounding stuff. The cliches, the analogies, its not even coach speak. Its white noise to me honestly at this point. That's it. I don't care who is coach just win baby. He can attract a level of player we haven't seen here in a long long time. If he can minimize some of the inbalances in the roster construction and player development a bit we will be in business. I support this team and Lavin to the fullest. Doesn't mean I cant express some dissatisfaction in some things that are said or done.
*I know it might be hard for some to believe but reporters have legit sources. The irony that after the article was written our staff was all over the road recruiting again. It sure spurred something.
Good point about being able to express dissatisfaction and still be on someone's side. I feel like our sites don't allow for that, and many are all or nothing. Harrison is one of my favorite players of all-time, but I don't think he has a snowball's chance in hell in the NBA. I posted that he'd score 40 in a game at some point in his career when he was signed. Still waiting for that.
As for the sources, I am a little more skeptical. As you know I have been a source for the Post several times. My biggest beef with Robbins is him using my name directly without telling me he was doing a story or asking for a was a normal conversation over the computer and my gf's father woke me up the next day telling me I was quoted in the Post. I've also had Robbins try to buy me and some friends meals and offer things like help getting into NYU Law School in exchange for information. He's a rat and he was never particularly good at what he did.
Braziller is exponentially better. He's friends with a bunch of guys from these sites. His connections will grow with time.