Only schedule UCONN as a last resort if we can't schedule with someone else that does a reasonably good job of helping us sell seats to the game. Doesn't have to be as much as UCONN would, just something reasonable.
We don't want to help uconn any way shape or form. Don't want to help syracuse or boston college either, etc. Just try to schedule someone else big other than them. That should be the goal.
Thanks BK8664!
I do not want to schedule UConn or Syracuse again, nor to give them that opportunity/satisfaction to confront a Chris Mullin high ceiling team - consistent with that - let's be creative - I bet Chris will be - and schedule home & home against a myriad of quality & intriguing teams e.g. let's see...
UNLV, Florida, Wisconsin, Harvard, Iowa State, Gonzaga, Wright State, Wichata State, Clemson, Utah, UTEP and (help me fill in the blanks)...
UConn Syracuse Notre Dame have as much to gain as we do if they play us - AND - as we move upward in glamour, attractiveness, powerhouse standing - they could have more to gain.
There are viable options to UConn & Syracuse...

all the best