Well, since this Snafu on Monday and the comments of many on Hurley , Cluess, etc , it’s time to throw another candidate into the mix . And, it doesn’t matter if there is even a remote chance of getting him here . As things have turned out , Hurley was going to spurn us anyway , despite the Cragg connection . Cragg doesn’t look good at this point in his management of the Mullin departure and now search for a new Coach .. If Mullin has stayed , it’s very possible that Simon, Heron., Trimble , Figgy would have not opted out , in various forms . But , since the more vocal here , thinking they represent the majority of St John’s fans , which they don’t by the way , started on their dump Mullin Campaign , it became a Snow Ball downhill . Even Ponds alluded to the nastiness of those on these various sites . The Best St John ‘s Player in the last 20 Years had to endure the 5 cents comments from those in the seats , who had no idea how his Coach wanted him to play this year . Less Scoring , more playmaking . But , back to Coach Candidates . Every time we have had to search for a new Coach , his name was always in the mix , just not now and why ? It was rumored that 1 of our Monied Alums had agreed to fund this Coach’s compensation , if he took the job . He didn’t . But , times are anew and do change . Sometimes . Running Pitino’s name up the flag pole was interesting for a few days and then , died the way it should have from day 1 . Pope Francis would be our next Coach before Rick . Anyway, this mystery Candidate is likely beyond our reach but , given the names some have thrown into the ring , why not his ? In fact , I was surprised no one even threw his hat into the Ring . Billy Donavan has been on our Radar for 20 years . Has currently has become a Millionaire many times over with stops in Florida and Oklahoma City and would possibly think twice about a return to NY ? Surely , he can be contacted , even if a quick no is the answer . Think about it , Donavan was just mentioned for the UCLA job , and either turned it down or the Bruins were already content with Mick Cronin , a very good Coach at Cincy . Maybe Donavan and family have enough of Oklahoma and the NBA ? Why not St John’s ? That’s not a knock on Cluess , who is a Alum and also a very good Coach . If he is selected , I think we should support him 1000 percent and stop with the sideline negativity . But , why not approach Billy one more time ? All he can do is say No. And , he passes the Ethics test that Pitino doesn’t . But , I also have a even further mystery candidate . Mike Brey of Notre Dame ! It’s clear the Irish don’t fit well Basketball wise into the ACC and while Brey is not in danger in South Bend , he might look at a return to the BE as a welcome challenge . Why not? So there you have it , 2 possible Names that cost us nothing to consider .